- endometriosis in bowel 肠子宫内膜异位
- Change in bowel and voiding habits, e. G. Change in frequency. 大小便习惯改变,如次数频密或减少。
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist inhibits estrone sulfatase expression of cystic endometriosis in the ovary. 促性腺激素释放激素激动剂抑制卵巢内膜样囊肿中雌酮硫酸酯酶的表达。
- Methods:Menstrual changes of 209 infertile women with endometriosis in hospital were analysed. 方法:对该院209例子宫内膜异位症不孕妇女的月经状况进行了调查分析。
- Objective To explore the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of endometriosis in abdominal scars. 目的探讨腹壁切口子宫内膜异位症的诊治及预防。
- Objective To explore the mechanism of Xiao Chaihu decoction in t he treatment of endometriosis in rats. 目的探讨小柴胡汤冲剂治疗大鼠子宫内膜异位症(内异症)的作用机制。
- GSTM1 gene deletion might bea risk fac tor for endometriosis in women of Han nationality who are native residents in Gu angdong Province. GSTM1基因缺失可能是广东汉族妇女内异症发病的危险性因素之一。
- The levels of IL-6 and IL-8 of vein blood of endometriosis in Neiyixiao and DLG were significantly lower compared with those in MG(P<0.05,P<0.01). 内异消组与丹那唑组较模型组外周血IL-6、IL-8含量明显降低;差异有显著性(P<0.;05)和极显著性(P<0
- Conclusion Abdominoplasty and V-Y plasty are good methods to repair the wounds of the endometriosis in the abdominal wall. 结论腹壁成形术及V-Y皮瓣推进术可以为腹壁子宫内膜异位大病灶切除后提供良好的创面修复方法。
- Abstract Abstract: Objective To explore the plastic surgical repairment of the large wound of endometriosis in the abdominal wall. 摘要 摘要:目的 探讨腹壁子宫内膜异位大病灶切除后创面修复方法。
- The investigators did not find any histologically present endometriosis in any patient during the second-look laparoscopy. 在第二次观看腹腔镜检查中,研究人员并没有在任何病人中找到其组织呈现子宫内膜异位症症状。
- Vascular density was the least at superior segment of duodenum in bowel,it became rising at jejunum and then went down at ileum. 血管密度以十二指肠球部最低、在空、回肠呈由低增高,继而降低的变化规律。
- Though IBS occurs in bowel, yet it has close relationship with the functional imbalance of liver organ, spleen organ, kidney organ and so on. 本病病位虽在肠,但与肝、脾、肾等诸脏腑功能失调关系密切。
- If you have noticed a sudden change in bowel habits that persists over two weeks, consult a doctor before using laxatives. 如果您发现突然改变了习惯,坚持激两个多星期,请教医生在使用泻药。
- In addition, the tumor may be oppressive and sometimes the large intestine, and therefore if there are changes in bowel habits, is one of warning. 另外,肿瘤有时可能会压迫大肠,因此若排便习惯有改变,也是警讯之一。
- Results The laparoscopic group had an advantage over the conventional laparotomy group in bowel movement recovery, earlier mobility and short hospital stay time. 结果腹腔镜治疗组较传统开腹组在术后肠功能恢复、早期下床活动、住院时间等方面均佔优势。
- Eugene R.Shippen, M.D., and William J.West, Jr.M.D,Successful treatment of severe endometriosis in two premenopausal women with an aromatase inhibitor[J].Fertility and Sterility MAY 2004,81(5):1395. 关铮,李亚里,徐柏郁,等.;对不同手术方法治疗子宫内膜异位症的探讨[J]
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- "MRI was recently used for the diagnosis of endometriosis in the uterosacral ligaments (USL) but was found to lack sensitivity for diagnosis of the disease with rectal involvement. MRI近来被使用于诊断位于子宫荐骨肌腱(USL)的子宫内膜异位,但是在诊断涉及直肠的子宫内膜异位上是缺乏敏感度的。