- Buyer request shipment is delayed till end month hope no inconvenience. 买方希望装船延至月底,希望不会给你们带来不便。
- Buyer requests shipment is delayed till end month and hopes no inconvenience. 买方希望装船延至月底,希望不会给你们带来不便。
- Interest accrued but not paid at the end month will be capitalised and form part of the opening balance in the next month on which further interest shall accrue. 于每月最后一日所累积而未支付的利息将于下一个月转拨为本金并就此计收利息。
- The move is intended to end months of political deadlock that have coincided with a financial meltdown in Ukraine caused by the global credit crunch. 此一动作是为了结束多月来,与因全球信用危机所引发乌国财政彻底垮下来同步的政治死结。
- I ought to be fit for work at the end of the month. 到月底时,我应该可以工作了。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- The boys were itching for the lesson to end. 那些男孩子们渴望下课。
- The levy payable is HK 400 per month multiplied by the number of months covered by the employment contract. 计算应缴徵款额的方法,是每月港币400元乘以雇佣合约期的月数。
- She usually felt the pinch at the end of a month. 她通常在月底感到手头很紧。
- Today's announcement ends months of speculation about the company's future. 今天的声明使得几个月来关于公司未来的种种猜测就此烟消云散。
- By the end of last week( month, year). 到上周(上月,去年)底以前。
- He couldn't stretch out his money to the end of the month. 他的钱花不到月底。
- The money he borrowed carried him through to the end of month. 借来的钱使他支撑到月底。
- Islamists and tribal alliances continued to dominate Kuwait's 50-seat parliament after a general election that reformers had hoped would end months of delays in passing legislation. 大选过后,伊斯兰主义者和部落联盟继续在科威特议会的50个席位中仍占有主导地位,改革派希望通过大选结束法案延迟数月尚未通过的局面。
- The Kremlin's Security Council ended months of acrimonious debate on Thursday and backed cuts of some 600,000 people over five years. 克里姆林宫的安全委员会在本周四结束了常达数月的激烈争论,通过了这项在五年内裁军60万的提议。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- It was the country's worst suicide attack and cast a cloud over hopes that her return, under an American-backed deal reached with President Pervez Musharraf, might end months of unrest. 这是该国最严重的自杀式袭击,对于她的回归投下了阴影,根据一项美国支持与穆沙拉夫总统达成的协议,动乱可能几个月才能结束。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- The two teams were all square at the end. 最后两队以积分相同而结束。