- Ec-Re-EnEconomic - Resources - Environment
- Ir/Reiridium/rhenium
- Re-OsRe-Os
- EN比率EN ratio
- (用唱名 do, re, mi, fa...表示的)唱名记谱法(教唱法)tonic sol-fa
- En值法En value method
- Re-188Re-188
- Roux-en-YRoux-en-Y
- 简要介绍欧盟EN 13445-3:2002标准中附录B的基本思想。An introduction of the European standard EN 13445-3:2002,Unfired pressure vessels,Part 3: Design,Annex B is presented in this paper.
- Re准数Re criterion
- 欧氏空间EnEuclidean vector N_space E n
- Re元素Re element
- 美国路邦EN-1Condensate EN-1 of USA
- Re(q)群group
- 空肠Roux-en-Y双层舌状瓣加半套叠瓣膜等联合抗返流装置的研究Study of combination of Roux-en-Y cholangioenterostomy plus dual tongue-like type flop and half-intussusceptive value against reflux
- RE添加剂rare-earth additive
- EN型多功能母料EN Multifunctional Masterbatch
- 含Re单晶single-crystal superalloy with Re