- empty and load valve 空重车转换阀
- empty and load change-over valve 空-载转换阀
- Empty and loaded containers are only stored in a secure, guarded area. 空柜满柜是否储存在固定的、有警卫的区域?
- Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless. 生活突然显得一片空虚,毫无意义。
- The house was empty and shuttered. 这所房子是空的,窗板都关上了。
- Discussion on Output Pressure Level of Empty and Load Changeover Valve of Passenger Cars 客车空重车调整阀输出空气压力值商讨
- The Empty and Load Brake Equipment for the 103 Type Brakes 103型制动机空重车调整装置
- The flow field and apple temperature field were obtained for empty and loaded store respectively by editing the UDF program to modify the source term of energy and momentum equations in the porous zone and add the inlet boundary profiles. 通过编译UDF程序修改多孔介质区域的能量、动量源项和进口边界条件;分别分析了空库和库内储存苹果时的流场及单体苹果内温度变化.
- freight car's empty and load autoregulative equipment 自动调整装置
- The house was empty and easy to decorate. 房子是空的,装修起来很容易。
- The house was empty and still in the April sunset. 正当四月日落时分,家里静悄悄的,似乎一个人也没有。
- The chairs in your parlour seem empty and bare. 是否没有我屋中便显得空。
- Chairs in your parlour seem empty and bare? 是否没有我屋中便显得空荡?
- I'm empty and aching and I don't know why. "我脑子里空空的,我痛苦,我不知道这是为什么"
- Empty and dark shall I raise my lantern. 我举起的灯空虚而黑暗。
- My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare. 我的心仿佛是空荡荡的修道士的房间。
- Application of the Empty and Load Brake Equipment on Railway Freight Cars 空重车自动调整装置在铁路货车上的应用
- You feel so empty and broke the heart. 你感到空虚。
- Life seemed on a sudden empty and meaningless. 生活似乎突然显得空洞而无聊。
- Study of Automatic Static Weight Freight Car Empty and Load Brake Equipment 静测重自动空重车调整装置研究