- You're not fortuitous, and existence needs you. 你不是偶然的。存在需要你。
- Because of, can unload the emptiness and the loneliness here. 因为在这里可以卸下空虚和孤单。
- Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless. 生活突然显得一片空虚,毫无意义。
- The house was empty and shuttered. 这所房子是空的,窗板都关上了。
- emptiness and existence 有无
- The metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence. 对于存在的本质的哲学研究。
- Because of a better life, Little, is a real value and existence. 因为生命的美好,点点滴滴,都是一种价值和真实的存在。
- Neither party can eliminate the other and exist alone. 矛盾的任何一方都不能消灭对方而独立存在。
- European loricae is easy to save for its material,and exist a lot. 欧洲铠甲因为材料特点易于保留,存世教多。
- He emptied and washed the glasses. 他把杯里的东西倒出来,又清洗了杯子。
- The house was empty and easy to decorate. 房子是空的,装修起来很容易。
- The house was empty and still in the April sunset. 正当四月日落时分,家里静悄悄的,似乎一个人也没有。
- Canadian courts separate from the government and exist independently. 加拿大的法庭是脱离政府而独立存在的。
- The showroom had been emptied and swept clean. 陈列室已经清理出来,打扫干净了。
- The chairs in your parlour seem empty and bare. 是否没有我屋中便显得空。
- Chairs in your parlour seem empty and bare? 是否没有我屋中便显得空荡?
- I'm empty and aching and I don't know why. "我脑子里空空的,我痛苦,我不知道这是为什么"
- Empty and dark shall I raise my lantern. 我举起的灯空虚而黑暗。
- My heart as a monk's cell so empty and bare. 我的心仿佛是空荡荡的修道士的房间。