- Employing unit is a concept and category with particular connotation and denotation in our labor law. 用人单位是我国劳动法上具有特定内涵与外延的法律概念和范畴。
- An agency, business, organization or other employing unit that is subject to the unemployment insurance law of any state. 遵守任何州政府的失业保险法的代理机构、商业组织或其它用人单位。
- Toxic substances without the specifications or with unqualified specifications shall not be sold to the employing units. 没有说明书或者说明书不符合要求的,不得向用人单位销售。
- The employing units shall have the right to demand the specifications from units that manufacture or trade in toxic substances. 用人单位有权向生产、经营有毒物品的单位索取说明书。
- Article 80 A labour dispute mediation committee may be established inside the employing unit. 第八十条在用人单位内,可以设立劳动争议调解委员会。
- Under what situations can the employing unit claim compensation for damages against the labourer? 用人单位在哪些情况下可以对劳动者请求损害赔偿?
- The housing accumulation fund, as a long-term reserved fund, should be compulsorily paid by both employees and employing units. 摘要住房公积金是单位和职工必须缴纳的长期住房储备金,具有保障性、强制性、专属性、互助性的特点。
- The employing units shall make payments for premiums that should be paid by their employees with the monthly withholdings from the employees' wages. 职工个人应缴纳的基本医疗保险费,由用人单位按月从本人工资中代扣代缴。
- No matter which kind of way the employing unit takes, it must pay the salary to a labourer directly. 不管用人单位采取何种方式,都必须将工资直接支付给劳动者本人。
- The employing units shall provide truthful and specific materials relating to labor protection to the administrative departments for public health. 用人单位应当向卫生行政部门如实、具体提供反映有关劳动保护的材料;
- The post wage standards, wage forms of the laborers and the reward and allowance systems shall be determined by the employing units independently. 劳动者的岗位工资标准、工资形式以及奖励和津贴制度,由用人单位自主确定。
- Employing units in accordance with the provisions of this article cuts within six months hiring staff, it should be priority given to retrenched staff. 用人单位依据本条规定裁减人员,在六个月内录用人员的,应当优先录用被裁减的人员。
- When necessary, the administrative departments for public health may consult, or require the employing units to submit, the relevant materials. 必要时,卫生行政部门可以查阅或者要求用人单位报送有关材料。
- The employing unit shall create conditions so as to improve collective welfare and raise welfare treatment of laborers. 用人单位应当创造条件,改善集体福利,提高劳动者的福利待遇。
- At present,about 6 percent of the wage bill of employing units and 2 percent of personal wages should be paid as part of the medical insurance premiums. 目前,用人单位的缴费比例为工资总额的6%25左右,个人缴费比例为本人工资的2%25。
- Part of the insurance premiums from employing units goes to the funds under the mutual assistance program,and the rest to the employees'personal accounts. 单位缴纳的基本医疗保险费一部分用于建立统筹基金,一部分划入个人账户。
- The employing units that engage in the operations in which high toxic substances are used shall assign the full-time or part-time occupational health doctors and nurses. 从事使用高毒物品作业的用人单位,应当配备专职的或者兼职的职业卫生医师和护士;
- The administrative departments for public health shall take measures to encourage the reports, complaints, exposures or charges against any law-breaking act of employing units. 第五十条卫生行政部门应当采取措施,鼓励对用人单位的违法行为进行举报、投诉、检举和控告。
- At present, about 6 percent of the wage bill of employing units and 2 percent of personal wages should be paid as part of the medical insurance premiums. 目前,用人单位的缴费比例为工资总额的6%25左右,个人缴费比例为本人工资的2%25。
- Section 31. A labourer who intends to revoke his labour contract shall give a written notice to the employing unit 30 days in advance. 第三十一条劳动者解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位。