- He won't employ a housekeeper; he prefers to do for himself 他不愿意雇女管家,宁愿自己料理家务。
- You need a housekeeper to nurse your property. 你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。
- Everything is of using to a housekeeper . 主妇眼里无废物。
- The Brows hire a housekeeper to manage their villa. 家雇用了一个管家打理别墅。
- Everything is of using to a housekeeper. 主妇眼里无废物。
- They employ a model which they call a cell model. 他们采用一种所谓的网格模型。
- Her adoptive mother was a housekeeper. 她的养母是一位管家。
- You must employ a proper form of letter writing. 你应该使用正确的书信格式。
- How will Mr Andrews get on without a housekeeper? 安德鲁斯没有管家怎么能行呢?
- You're just a housekeeper of the royal family. 你区区一个内务总管五品官,还是来旁听的。
- We employ a gardener two days a week. 我们雇了个花匠,每周工作两天。
- Employ a knife to cut the apple. 使用一把刀切苹果。
- I'm advertising like mad for a housekeeper or a maid, but they don't want to know, do they? 我拼命地登广告征聘一个女管家或者女佣,可是她们存心不理睬这回事,是不是?
- Does this device employ a laser? 产品是否具有激光部件?
- Nowadays few working parents can afford a housekeeper. 如今很少有工作的父母雇得起女管家的。
- Employ a female worker to keep your house. 找个打工妹来帮你料理一下家里的事吧。
- I'm trying to employ a lawyer to handle the case. 我想请个律师来打这场官司。
- His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek. 他父母雇佣了一位家庭教师来教他希腊语。
- The mill employs a thousand workers. 这家工厂雇用了一千名工人。
- She served the family as a housekeeper for thirty-three years. 她当管家为那一家服务了三十三年。