- Many stereotypes are empirical generalizations with a statistical basis and thus on average tend to be true. 许多刻板印象都是具有统计基础的经验归纳,因此平均而言应当是对的。
- As empirical generalizations borne of the observations and experiences of millions of individuals, most stereotypes are on the whole true. 由于经验主义归纳来源于对上百万个体的观察和体验,大多数刻板印象基本上都是对的。
- Stereotypes and empirical generalizations are neither good nor bad, desirable nor undesirable, moral nor immoral.They just are. 刻板印象和经验主义归纳并没有好坏、优劣、道德与否的区分,它们就是如此。
- Employment of empirical methods, as in science. 经验方法的运用,例如在科学中
- Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods. 几何定理是从经验得出的。
- The wrestler narrated a related courage and the revenge story.Mark Symmers is a great Roman Empire general, old king intends to choose him to inherit the throne. 马克西默斯是一位伟大的罗马帝国将军,老国王有意选择他继承皇位。
- empirical generalization 经验概括化,实验概括化
- The empirical analysis supports the hypotheses. 实证分析提供证据支持理论假说。
- Unboundedness has a greater empirical credibility. 无界性有更大的经验可信性。
- The Sprint phase is an empirical process. 冲刺阶段是一个完全根据经验的过程。
- Founded on experience; empirical. 实证的建立在实验基础上的;全凭实验的
- Don't be hasty in generalization. 不要急于笼统地下结论。
- Empirical studies in institutional change II. 制度变革的经验研究2。
- Many empirical results supported the hypothesis. 很多经验性结论都可证 明假设成立.
- This is, of course, only a simple generalization. 当然,这只是一种简单的概括性说法。
- This mercantilist strategy has empirical backing. 这种重商主义战略是有实证支持的。
- It is unwise to be hasty in generalization. 急于归纳是不明智的。
- Empirical results are needed in the transonic Mach regime. 在跨音速马赫数范围内需要经验结果。
- This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy. 这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。
- Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge. 认识力的有或可减少凭经验主义的实际知识的基础的