- As I slid into the front seat of my car that afternoon, I leaned back, exhausted from the emotional trauma. 那天下午,我钻进汽车前座后,仰身坐下,感情的创伤使我疲惫不堪。
- Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant. 感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。
- They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. 当他们造成情绪的创伤滋养他们自己时,他们保持地球在一种一定的振动的频率中。
- Your task is to look for the meaning behind the messages in your bodily discomforts, your emotional trauma and your interchanges with other people. 你们的任务是用你们的身体不舒适,你们的情感创伤和你与其他人互换去寻找讯息背后的意义。
- As one releases the emotional trauma that is both past life and present life, the beads of cause and effect dissolve into the new thought-form that is unity based, which enters the field in its place. 当你释放了过去生活和现在生活两者内的情感创伤,因果链溶散进入新的以统一为基础的思想形态,此思想形态进入能量场原拥有此因果链的位置。
- Most of Us Suffer from Chronic Emotional Trauma 多数人都患有慢性的情感创伤
- Narcoanalysis directed toward making the patient recall repressed memories and emotional traumas. 精神综合法精神分析法,指导使病人回忆起抑制的记忆和感情创伤
- Love is said to be a good remedy for emotional trauma 人们说,爱是治愈心灵创伤的良药
- Researchers believe the illness will ultimately prove to have multiple causes, including genetic predisposition and exposure to microbial agents, toxins and other physical and emotional traumas. 研究者认为,病情将最终证明有多种原因,包括遗传易感性和接触微生物制剂,毒素及其他身心创伤。
- Karma is any emotionally traumatic experience that is recorded in time. 业力是任何在时间中被记录的情感创伤体验。
- The emotionally traumatic experience contains a particular vibration behind it. 情感创伤体验在背后包含了一个特定的振动。
- She had a major emotional upset. 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。
- She sang an emotional song about love and death. 她唱了一首关于爱情和死亡的动人的歌曲。
- A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma. 身体的损伤,发炎或损伤
- Women are often said to be more emotional than men. 人们常说女人比男人更富于感情。
- Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情,他却无动於衷。
- Intense, contagious emotional excitement. 触电感十分强烈的有感染力的兴奋感
- Winning gave us emotional satisfaction. 获胜给予我们感情上的满足。
- I don't like that slushy emotional music. 我不喜欢那过于伤感的催人泪下的音乐。
- Karma is an emotionally traumatic incident from the past or past life ancestry that locks a particular thought in motion in the unconscious. 业力是来自过去或过去祖先生命中的情感创伤事件,它们在事发过程中在无意识中锁定了特定的思想。