- Are there imbalances showing in your life through fatigue, emotional exhaustion, or lack of laughter? 你的生活是否出现了不平衡现象?比如疲劳、心理疲惫,或缺乏笑声。
- Physical or emotional exhaustion, especially as a result of long-term stress or dissipation. 耗尽,精疲力尽体力或感情的枯竭,特别指因长期压抑或放荡而造成的后果
- The Study of the moderating effects of employee personality on the process of Emotional Exhaustion. 关键词:角色冲突、工作/家庭冲突、员工性格、情绪耗竭。
- The findings demonstrated a significant impact of emotional exhaustion not only on other sequential dimensions of burnout but also on work attitudes, and behaviors. 研究表明情绪倦怠的一个重要影响是不仅使其它相关领域产生情绪倦怠,还会波及到工作态度和行为。
- The high supports from others may sharpen the positive effects of the work-family conflicts on emotional exhaustion and cynicism. 社会支持的干扰效应分析显示部份社会支持会强化高科技女性专业人员工作-家庭冲突对情绪耗竭与讥诮态度的影响。
- The rate of emotional exhaustion was 27.94%, depersonalization was 23. 53% and reduced personal accomplishment was 32.35%. 倦怠三因素耗竭、士气消沉、动机丧失的检出率分别为27.;94%25、23
- Dominance analysis further indicated that when predicting Emotional Exhaustion 65.91% of the predicted variance was attributed to distributive justice. 进一步的优势分析表明,预测情绪衰竭时,分配公平相对来说更重要,贡献了已解释方差的65.;91%25;
- Role conflict was a more powerful predictor to cynicism,and role ambiguity was a more powerful predictor to emotional exhaustion. 角色冲突对玩世不恭具有较强的预测作用,角色模糊对情绪衰竭具有较强的预测作用。
- Jackson, Schwab, and Schuler (1986) suggested that emotional exhaustion is most relevant for work roles that are very involving. 杰克逊,施瓦布和舒勒(1986)认为情感枯竭和非常纠缠的工作任务最相关。
- Specifically, Jackson and colleagues (1986) indicated that emotional exhaustion presumes prior states of high arousal and activation. 杰克逊及其同事特别指出(1986)情感枯竭利用了高度激励和活化的优先状态。
- Job burnout can be manifested in the following 3 aspects: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and diminished personal accomplishment. 工作倦怠的表现有三个方面,即情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低。
- The most serious manifest of job burnout is cynicism,following by emotional exhaustion and decreased professional self-efficacy. 职业倦怠的表现尤以玩世不恭最为严重,其次为情绪衰竭和成就感低落。
- Previous research suggests that a key antecedent of emotional exhaustion is such role conflict (Jackson et al, 1986; Lee & Ashforth, 1993). 以前的研究表明情感枯竭中的关键先例就是这种角色冲突。
- The second questionnaire was the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) which included assessments of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal achievements. 二是职业倦怠量表(MBI),包括情绪耗竭、去人格化、个人成就分量表。
- Results Degree of the emotional exhaustion in university teachers was normal, while their depersonalization was normal and sense of personal accomplishment was high. 结果高校教师在职业倦怠的情绪衰竭程度上较严重,非人性化程度一般,个人成就感较高。
- Job burnout was assessed by Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory, which included 3 factors, namely emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal accomplishment. 在2个因素上得分高于临界值以法院为单位匿名施测。
- Findings suggest respondents experience moderate levels of emotional exhaustion and low levels of cyniciam and inefficacy,and the whole level of librarian burnout is low. 结果表明高校图书馆员经历着中度的情绪衰竭以及低度水平的玩世不恭和个人成就感低落,整体来说职业倦怠水平较低。
- Especially , the dimension of emotional exhaustion whichpredicted somatization , obsessive, anxiety, depression and opponent,at the same time,depersonalization predicted somatization also. 职业倦怠对心理健康有预测作用,最有代表性的维度是情绪衰竭,可以预测躯体化、强迫症状、抑郁和敌对四个因子,人格解体可以预测躯体化因子。
- Burnout was a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that could occur among individuals who worked with other people in some capacity. 工作倦怠是在以人为服务对象的职业领域中,个体的一种情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就降低的症状。
- Teacher burnout is generally conceived to be a chronic response to extreme pressures and involves three central dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. 摘要教师职业倦怠是教师长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应,它是包括情绪衰竭、非人性化和低成就感在内的一种综合症状群。