- It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. 工厂向大气中排放黑烟现在是违法的。
- Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。
- Each of the bulbs has a resistance of120 ohms. 每一盏灯泡有120欧姆的电阻。
- Copper has less resistance than lead. 铜的电阻比铅的小。
- There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. 反对这项新法律的人很多。
- Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗。
- Resistance stiffened even further last week. 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。
- The enemy gave up without resistance. 敌军没有抵抗就投降了。
- Fireflies emit light but not heat. 萤火虫发光但不放出热。
- emitter resistance 射极电阻,发射极电阻
- Animal bodies emit perspiration. 动物身体会出汗。
- Every line in her face is the line of least resistance. 她脸上的每一根线条,都是阻小最小的线条。
- Only by determined resistance could their country be saved. 只有坚决抵抗,他们的国家才能得救。
- Delete the current emitter library? 删除当前的发射器库吗?
- His resistance was worn down by constant nagging from his wife. 他的反抗被他妻子无休止的唠叨瓦解了。
- The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy's resistance. 这一策略旨在逐步削弱敌人的抵抗力。
- Do you know the distance to a light emitter? 那么你怎样知道一个灯光投射器的距离值呢?
- Having relatively high resistance to flow. 粘滞性的对流动有较高抵抗力的
- The emitter has two methods to send events. 发射器有两种发送事件的方法。
- Free emitter resources - close the emitter. 释放发射器资源关闭发射器。