- emission trading permit 排污权
- Analysis of the sustainable development potential of the emission trading II. 排污权交易的可持续发展潜力分析2。
- The footprint of the air pollutant total emission control and emission trading in China have been reviewed. 回顾了大气污染物排放总量控制和排污权交易在中国发展的历程。
- The emission trading based on Coase theorem is abandonment to traditional Pigou theory. 内容提要: 基于科斯定理产生的排污权交易是对传统庇古理论的扬弃。
- In the view of law, there are some large differences in theory in the nature of emission trading. 摘要从法学的视角考察,排污权的性质是什么,学界存在着比较大的分歧。
- The conclusion by Minister Xiezhenhua of SEPA educes people to consider the future development of emission trading. 解振华局长高屋建瓴的总结,引发大家思考排污权交易在中国的发展将来。
- Hereby, the emission trading system is a valuable environmental economic system. 因此,排污权交易制度是值得推行的一项环境经济制度。
- Air pollution emission trading (APET) is an economic incentive program that can effectively promote pollution reduction and technology advance. 空气污染排放交易是一个以市场诱因引导污染减量与技术提升,且能兼顾经济与环境保护双重目标的政策。
- Emission tradable permits 排污权
- During the emission trading scheme's trial period, confusion in the market caused prices to gyrate from almost $40 per ton of CO2 at the outset to about $1 per ton today. 在排放量交易方案的试办期,市场相当混乱,使价格从最初的每公吨二氧化碳近40美元,一路滑落到目前的每公吨约1美元。
- Emission Trading: The Distance between Theory and Reality Abstract: The emission trading based on Coase theorem is abandonment to traditional Pigou theory. 此岸与彼岸,抽象与具体,理论与现实的差距似乎是一种永恒的存在。
- With total-amount-control of pollution and emission permits system, the experiments of tradable permits have been carried out for more than ten years in China. 摘要结合污染物的总量控制和排污许可证制度,我国已经进行了十多年的各类排污权交易试点工作。
- The approval of relevant departments, the company received "trade mark", "barcode" "special trade permits" certificate. 经有关部门批准,公司领取“商标”“条码”“特种行业许可证”等证书。
- Carbon emissions' trading is a mitigation of greenhouse important measures, as well as one of the hot researches. 碳排放权交易是缓解温室效应的一项重要措施,也是当前科学研究热点之一。
- The EU Emissions Trading Scheme, currently in pilot phase, will from 2008 be fully compatible with Kyoto international trading. 该计划目前正处于试验阶段,从2008年开始将与京都贸易计划接轨。
- In September 2001, the first sulfur dioxide emissions trade was successfully completed in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. 2001年9月,江苏省南通市成功实现了我国首例二氧化硫排污权交易。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or a system of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这种花费,无论是以税收的形式还是购买污染许可证的形式收取,都将彻底改变能源经济学。
- The emission of visible light by a hot object. 白热光物体遇热发出可见光
- MVR - Monitoring Verification and Reporting - will be essential if emissions trading exchanges are to be credible, not just in China. 若要实行可接受的排放交易,监测认证和报告(MVR)对于中国和其他国家来说将很关键。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or asystem of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这笔费用,无论是税费还是一种可交易的污染许可系统,将会从根本上改变能源经济。