- Another recurrent theme has been the transformation of the U.S. economy by emerging technologies. 人们常常议论的另一件事是关于不断出现的新技术所引起的美国经济的转变问题。
- For the past year he has worked in the Emerging Technologies area overseeing a variety of incubator projects. 去年他进入Emerging Technologies领域,主管了多个孵化器项目。
- Heather Kreger is a lead architect for Web Services and Management in the Standards and Emerging Technologies area. Heather Kreger是标准新兴技术领域中Web服务和管理方面的首席设计师。
- Safe operation of nuclear power plants: impacts of human and organisational factors and emerging technologies. 核电厂的安全运行:人为因素和组织因素以及应急技术的影响...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Multisensor data fusion is an emerging technology applie. 内容:多传感器信息融合,多运用于军事的技术。
- The emerging technology at the time was Web services. 当时的新兴技术是Web服务。
- Honda and others say they believe that Silicon Valley can provide important security solutions with both existing and emerging technologies. Honda和其他人表示他们相信硅谷可以用目前所拥有的和正在研究的技术来提供重要的安全方法。
- In addition to these corporate issues, the global trends we see in emerging technologies can be intimidating to organizations of any size. 除了这些管理问题之外,新兴科技呈现的全球趋势对任何规模的组织而言都相当有威慑力。
- How will the emerging technologies of reconstructive surgery affect the facial appearances of each one of us and cultural perceptions of identity? 不断创新的颜面重建手术科技如何影响我们每一个人的外观,还有文化定义上的身分认知?
- The visionaries, “believe that the emerging technologies signal a radical change in every aspect of scholarly communication”. 有远见者认为新兴技术从根本上改变了每一个方面的学术交流。
- The cost of the equipment will fall over time, says Tom Reed, president of HomePlug and manager of emerging technologies at Radio Shack. 身兼电源线家庭网路联盟总裁与无线电音响城公司新兴科技部门经理的利德则表示,设备的价格会随时间过去而下降。
- However, the development of emerging technologies "bottleneck" and production management issues must also attach great importance to. 但是,发展中出现的技术“瓶颈”和生产管理问题又必须引起高度重视。
- Meanwhile, several emerging technologies are waiting in the wings to challenge the dominance of the electrophoretic approach. 其间,几种新兴技术蓄势待发,以挑战电泳方式的主导地位。
- MIH have more than 20 years experience in broadcasting and we are now focusing on emerging markets and emerging technologies. MIH集团在广播领域有20多年的经验,目前以新技术和新兴市场为发展重点。
- A second emerging technology is based on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). 第二种是基于有机发光二极管的显示器。
- His areas of expertise include Web based system software architecture, analysis, design, and development, and he has been a frontier exploiter of emerging technologies. 他的专业领域包括基于Web的系统软件体系结构、分析、设计和开发,而且他已经成为新兴技术的前沿开拓者。
- His experience includes software development of multi-tier solutions using emerging technologies, architecture design, and integration of Internet-based solutions. 他的工作经验包括利用新兴技术的多层解决方案的软件开发、架构设计和基于因特网解决方案的集成。
- James Snell is a member of the IBM Emerging Technologies Toolkit and has spent the past few years focusing on emerging Web services technologies and standards. James Snell是IBM Emerging Technologies Toolkit的成员,在过去的几年里,他一直致力于新兴的Web服务技术和标准。
- James Snell is a member of the IBM Emerging Technologies Toolkit team and has spent the past few years focusing on emerging Web services technologies and standards. James Snell是IBM Emerging Technologies Toolkit开发组的成员,过去的几年里他主要研究新兴的Web服务技术及标准。
- Scott represents IBM in various Java and XML standards organizations and focuses on enabling industry-level consortiums with Web services and various emerging technologies. Scott在各种Java和XML标准组织中担任IBM的代表,并且关注支持行业级协会开发Web服务和各种新兴技术。