- emergency plan model 预案模型
- Then, the dissertation gives an overall plan model of eCIS. 然后,文章给出了现代企业竞争情报系统总体架构模型。
- The emergency plan of accident rescuing is a emergency plan for hazard sources. 事故应急救援预案是针对危险源而制定的一项应急反应计划。
- The Food and Drug Administration recently approved a two-pill-a-day HIV treatment for use under the Emergency Plan. 食品及药物管理最近提供一项艾滋病紧急计划中的每日两片治疗方法。
- Finnie's students designed an emergency plan for the home, and an emergency kit. 范尼的学生设计了一个家庭应急方案和一套应急装备。
- Then, the design essentials for desktop maneuvers of emergency plan are set forth. 提出应急预案桌面推演方案框架设计要点;
- An emergency plan is being carried out at the lake with the aid of 20 loads of airdropped construction equipment. 据介绍,27日中午空运至唐家山堰塞坝上的施工设备已达20台,应急处置工程施工正紧张有序的开展。
- And the development and broad prospects for optimization technology of HCR(hot charge rolling)plan model is also mainly discussed in the article. 着重论述了科学化、智能化和模型化在热送热装领域的发展以及广阔的前景。
- Facilitate the prevention of environmental incidents through proper personnel job and safety training and assist in the development of emergency plan. 加强员工及其安全培训以预防环境污染和意外事故的发生。
- Responsibilities The jobholder will have the chance to develop Prophet valuation and business plan model for asi...... ... 公司名称:广州市智才人力资源顾问有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-2-28
- The emergency plan shall contain actions to be taken including any evacuation procedures in relation to landfill gas monitoring. 应急计划须载明有关监测堆填区沼气所采取的行动,包括任何疏散程序。
- The Haitian government has announced an emergency plan to reduce the price of rice following more than a-week of food riots. 在继一周多的食物价格骚乱后,海地政府宣布了一个紧急预案,计划降低大米的价格。
- Thedistributivecoefficientbased production planning model is established. 建立了生产计划的线性规划模型。
- On February 23, UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali agreed with me on an emergency plan to airdrop humanitarian supplies to the Bosnians. 2月23日,联合国秘书长布特罗斯.;布特罗斯-加利同意我实施一项紧急计划,向波斯尼亚人空投人道救援补给物资。
- Responsibilities The jobholder will have the chance to develop Prophet valuation and business plan model for asian countries, and may get exposure on some inte ... 公司名称:广州市智才人力资源顾问有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-3-4
- The emergency plan announced by the Kenyan Cabinet this week includes mobilizing the army to assist those desperately short on food and water. 肯尼亚国会本周发表了应急方案,包括调动军队帮助那些严重缺少食物和饮水的民众。
- The paper proposed a completeness evaluation method for natural disaster emergency plan by the fault tree analysis(FTA). 从自然灾害类应急预案着手,采用故障树分析方法(FTA)对其完备性进行评价。
- It takes a true case for example-when the hospital servicer is down, the information system stops running, and then, the hospital takes the emergency plan. 通过医院一次服务器宕机,造成信息系统停止运行的案例,详述了医院所采取的应急预案。
- Finally, to establishes the talent planning model of KD in military medicine by Beeline Add Right Model. 依照直线加权数学模型建立了军事医学重点学科人才规划模型。
- Then, corresponding countermeasures are proposed to solve the possibly neglected problems during the construction of such emergency plan so as to improve its operability. 针对构建该类应急预案过程中可能忽略的问题进行分析并给出解决问题的方法,旨在提高石油化工原料和产品运输事故应急预案的可操作性。