- emergency life support system 应急生命保障系统
- These are human hearts KAI: Yes. Their life support system is still functional. 这些是人类的心脏。是的,这些心脏的生命支持系统还在运行。但是飞行员的心脏却不在跳。
- They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system. 他们发现有一个精神感应的蠕虫依附着生命维持系统在里面。
- During the 46 minutes of extra-vehicular activity, Schweickart tested the portable life support system. 在长达46分钟的舱外活动中,施韦卡特测试了便携式生命保障系统。
- The oceans contribute immeasurably to the earth's life support system as well as provide an untapped storehouse of food, minerals, energy, and archaeological treasures. 海洋对地球上的维持生命系统作出了不可估量的贡献,同时又是一座尚未打开的宝库,储有食物、矿物、能源和具有很大考古价值的东西。
- With the development of space exploration, high performance extravehicular activity (EVA) space suit portable life support system (PLSS) is expected. 摘要随着空间探索的发展,舱外航天服便携式生命保障系统必须具有更优良的性能。
- Emergency Life Support Respiratory Device 应急生命保障呼吸装置
- Emergency Life Support Apparatus 紧急生命保障设备
- Essential to the sustenance of human life are food, water, air, and heat, and the Life Support System provides all of these things. 维持人类生命的必需品有食物,水,空气及热能,而服务舱则提供了这些必需品。
- A ground-based experimental facility was developed for conducting initial ground-based simulation study of Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS). 为进行受控生态生保系统试验研究,研制了地面模拟实验装置。
- Objective To study the cultivating technique of wheat under low pressures as to establish the basis of developing hypobaric controlled ecological life support system. 目的研究低压条件下小麦的培养技术,为建立低压受控生态生保系统奠定基础。
- Brinkman is kidnapped by The Order of the Black Eagle, a Nazi movement aimed at conquering the world with their proton beam and the life support system to reincarnate Adolph Hitler. 待特务积斯与助手狄芬妮奉命混入黑鹰党,查得贼党发明了质子射线及复活机器,并计划控制世界及使希特拉复活。
- I’m particularly grateful for the unflagging support of four special friends who’re vital to my life supporting system. 我更要多谢四位特别的朋友从一开始便和我一起走毕全程,无尽感激!
- Putting a price on these services is like taking out an insurance policy to maintain our life support system and has the potential to generate billions of dollars for forest-owning nations. 为这些服务标价犹如拥有一个保险策略来维持我们的生命支持系统,这也有为拥有森林的国家产生亿万美元收入的潜能。
- Moreover, UNESCO will release the two volumes of the Encyclopaedia on Life Support Systems on the body of knowledge related to freshwater during the Forum in Japan in March 2003. 此外,教科文组织将在2003 年3 月在日本举办的论坛期间出版两册讨论淡水相关知识的《生命维持系统百科全书》。
- Moreover,UNESCO will release the two volumes of the Encyclopaedia on Life Support Systems on the body of knowledge related to freshwater during the Forum in Japan in March 2003. 此外,教科文组织将在2003 年3 月在日本举办的论坛期间出版两册讨论淡水相关知识的《生命维持系统百科全书》。
- Since most TIEs lack deflector shields, ejection gear or life support systems, Imperial fighter pilots are an incredibly brave and loyal force willing to die for the Emperor. 由于绝大多数的钛战机没有偏转护盾、弹射座椅或生命维持系统,帝国战机飞行员是一股忠诚得令人难以置信的力量,他们心甘情愿为皇帝而死。
- Life support system in the closed cabin 密闭舱生命保证系统
- regenerative life support system 再生式生命保障系统
- Environmental Life Support System 环境生命保障系统