- Hardware interface circuits between embedded microprocessor S3C2410X and TFT-LCD TD035STEB1 are designed. Embedded Linux device driver of LCD module is developed,ASCII characters,Chinese and basic graph are shown and touch screen is used for control. 设计了嵌入式微处理器S3C2410X与TFT型液晶屏TD035STEB1接口的硬件电路,基于嵌入式Linux进行LCD模块驱动程序的开发,实现了ASCII字符、汉字与基本图形的显示以及触摸控制功能。
- embedded linux device 嵌入式Linux设备
- It adopts open source embedded Linux environment. 软件环境采用开放源码的嵌入式Linux操作系统。
- Design of Multi-procotol Router Based on Embedded Linux Platform. 基于嵌入式Linux平台的多协议路由器的设计。
- Following paragraph talk about the software design based on embedded Linux, from Bootloader, porting system, network device design to application about UDP and TCP transmission via BSD socket programming. 接着阐述了基于嵌入式LINUX操作系统的软件设计,从最低层的引导程序、LINUX系统移植、网络驱动程序设计到上层的采用BSD套接字的UDP、TCP应用程序设计。
- Embedded linux Comments on the development process, including the initiation, memory, add-driven equipment, etc. 详细说明:嵌入式linux的开发流程详解,包括启动,内存,设备驱动的添加等等
- Chapter 4 includes GUI in embedded Linux, and how to developing web browser, stream media player, e-mail client on it. 第四章专门论述了嵌入式Linux中的GUI技术以及网络浏览器、流媒体播放器、邮件客户端等应用软件在GUI上的实现;
- This paper discusses an integrated EIDE-RAID, which is based on universal hardware and embedded Linux. 本文介绍了一种采用嵌入式Linux操作系统为软件平台、使用通用计算机部件集成的EIDE磁盘阵列。
- Before the headset can start communicating with a Linux device, it must be discovered by the Bluetooth link layer on the Linux device. 在耳机可以开始与Linux设备通信以前,它必须被Linux设备上的Bluetooth链路层检测出来。
- This solution has been adopted in the VoIP gateway with embedded Linux platform. 该方案设计简单实用,目前已成功运用于基于嵌入式Linux平台的VoIP网关中。
- The key method has been introduced for designing LINUX device driver of PCI-VME bridge device based on realized by us data acquisition and control system. 以一个已实现并投入使用的实际例子介绍了在LINUX环境下设计实现数据采集系统PCI-VME桥接设备驱动程序的关键技术。
- It is based on open operation system such as WinCE, Symbian, Palm or Embedded Linux. 它以开放的OS 为基础,比如人们熟悉的微软WinCE、Symbian、Palm、Embedded Linux 等操作系统,向手机用户提供丰富多彩的应用程序。
- Finally, the paper offers a specific method and procedure of image reliable transmission based on embedded LINUX. 最后给出了一种在嵌入式LINUX下实现视频图像可靠传输的具体方法和流程。
- You might then have to configure the Bluetooth chipset on the Linux device to receive and send SCO audio packets over the HCI transport interface rather than the PCM interface. 然后,您可能不得不在Linux设备上配置Bluetooth芯片组,以通过HCI传输接口而不是PCM接口收发SCO音频数据分组。
- The design of an embedded Linux system carries with it a number of considerations; the Zaurus was one of the first systems to tackle them. 嵌入式Linux系统的设计加入了很多方面的考虑;Zaurus是第一个解决这些考虑的系统。
- Therefore Linux is very suitable to be the operate system of embedded system. uClinux is a branch of embedded Linux, and it is designed for NO-MMU CPU. uClinux是Linux操作系统的一个分支,是专门为没有MMU(内存管理单元)的CPU而设计的。
- The paper has seven chapters and introduces in general the design and realization of WBT based on Embedded Linux operating system. 全文共分七个章节,系统地介绍了基于嵌入式Linux的Windows终端,尤其是客户端软件、浏览器部分的设计和实现。
- This tool set realizes a Linux BSP generating method based on GUI and improves the efficiency of embedded Linux BSP development. 在此基础上,实现了一套基于XML的Linux BSP标准化配置工具,实现了基于图形界面的Linux BSP生成方式,提高了嵌入式Linux BSP的开发效率。
- During the system design, we take advantages of these technologies, such as MPEG-2, TCP/IP, RTP and embedded Linux technology. 在整个系统的设计过程中应用了MPEG-2多媒体编码技术、TCP/IP传输技术、RTP协议、嵌入式Linux系统应用技术。
- The customization course of the embedded linux operating system in the thesis is done in the redhat 9.0 operating system on PC platform. 嵌入式linux操作系统的定制过程是在pc平台上的redhat9.;0操作系统下进行的。