- eluvial borizon 淋滤带
- The geochemical circulation and orientation between eluvial and transport... 并阐述和探索了它在时间和空间上的规律。
- Its filling is surface eluvium material and cavity wall collapsed material. 地下水主要沿着岩层中的裂缝向下渗流,以垂向岩溶为主,主要为高角度的溶蚀裂缝、溶蚀缝合线缝、近于垂直的串珠状中小型溶蚀孔洞沿溶缝、缝合线分布,多为方解石、泥、和其它不同来源成因的渗流砂混合充填。
- All at once it rushed from the dark borizon toward the ship with a frightening speed. 突然它以惊人的速度从黑色的地平线冲向船只.
- Eluvial tantalite: Eluvial tantalite is found in rubble consisting of fragments and pebbles of varied composition. 残积层钽铁矿:残积层钽铁矿发现于由碎片和小鹅卵石成分的碎矿中。
- The geochemical relation and vertical zone distribution tetween eluvial and transported soil deposits.4. 4.;残积土和堆积土的地球化学循环性和方向性规律。
- The geochemical development of stages and horizontal zone distribution in eluvial soil.3. 3.;残积土和堆积土的地球化学联系性和高程地带性规律;
- The tantalite mineralisation at Portee appears to be associated with quartz core zones, zones of K-metasomatism and with eluvial concentrations. 钽铁矿的矿物性质是由石英核心带、K长石同化矿带和残积层部分组合而成的。
- The deposit belongs to vadose hot brine-supergene genetic eluvial clay-type gold deposit and to laterite-type gold-deposit in terms of industry. 矿床成因类型属渗流热卤水一表生成因的残积粘土型金矿床,工业类型为红土型金矿床。
- The Quaternary thick eluvium and sliderock are dispersed over the Yangshan Au ore belt. 阳山金矿区第四系残坡积物分布面积较广,厚度较大。
- The article also discusses the difference of physicochemical characteristics between placer gold of alluvial mine and eluvial slope wash placer mine. 本文还注意了冲积型和残坡积型砂金矿中砂金理化特征的区别。
- Saiwusu ore is a typical weathering and eluvial gomd eposit formed under the arid to se-mi-arid climate condition in China. 赛乌素金矿是在我国干旱-半干旱气候条件下形成的,较为典型的风化淋滤残积型金矿床。
- In this paper a further discussion is made on the causes for undeveloped eluvial soil on granite in Hong Kong and its effect on engineering properties. 文章进一步讨论了香港花岗岩残积土不发育的原因和对工程性质的影响。
- Most of kaolin deposits mainly belong to eluvial deposits of weathered granites,the next,weathered arkoses and there are also sedimentary ones. 主要为花岗岩风化残积型,次要为长石石英风化残积型,亦有沉积型。
- If the underground eluvium is thick enough, the hard portion of it can be used as support layer of stake ends. 而厚度较大的地下残积土坚硬部分可作为桩端持力层。
- The first one was eluvial grey-cinnamonic soil of neutral basic and mixed rocks, the second was higher, sub-higher mounain meadow soils and typical... 二级土壤质量中等,土壤为高山草甸土、亚高山草甸土和典型灰褐土;三级土壤质量较低,土壤为粟钙土和石灰性灰褐土。
- The surface eluvium can be used as natural foundation support layer of the low-story building or as filling of hollows. 地表残积土可作为一般低层建筑的天然地基持力层,而且可作为低洼地带的回填土料;
- The chemical weathering index(CIA), K/Na ratio, eluvial coefficient(Ki)and A-CN-K diagram , can availably indicate the evolution of pedogenic environment. 对化学风化指数(CIA)、K/Na比值、残积系数(Ki)等化学综合参数的研究结果显示,各项地球化学参数可有效指示成壤环境与成壤强度;
- Au,Hg,As,Sb,Cu,Pb,Zn and Mo are coextensive elements in the red clay profile,and they are obviously enriched in the eluvial zone where la terization is complete. 红色粘土的微量元素表现为Au、Hg、As、Sb、Cu、Pb、Zn和Mo等元素的共生组合,并在红土化好的残积带明显富集;
- The eluvial soils on slopes where surface flow occurs are mainly clayey soils with some blocks or debris.They have good grading distribution and a thin soil horizon. 发生坡面流的斜坡残 坡积土主要为粘性土,含少量块石或碎石,级配较好,且土层厚度小。