- I have gotten my work all done ahead of time today, but I'd feel guilty going home while everybody else is still work. 我今天提早工作都做完了,但是别人都还在工作,我不好意思回家。
- I have gotten my work all done ahead of time today,but I'd feel guilty going home while everybody else is still work. 我今天提早工作都做完了,但是别人都还在工作,我不好意思回家。
- I have got my work all done ahead of time today,but I'd feel guilty going home while everybody else is still working. 我今天提早工作都做完了,但是别人都还在工作,我不好意思回家。
- Old Mabel is still going strong and still working on his farm every day. 老梅布尔依然很健壮,每天还在他的农场里工作。
- else is still work 我今天提早工作都做完了,但是别人都还在工作,我不好意思回家。
- Xiao Hong is still working away at her homework. 小红还在做她的作业。
- As far as I know,he is still working here. 据我所知,他仍在这里工作。
- He is still working on this pile of papers. 他还在努力完成那堆文件。
- He is still working on that math problem. 他仍然在解那道数学题。
- One of them is still working very hard. 他们中的一人仍在勤奋工作。
- He is still working away at his homework. 他还在做课外作业。
- He is still working through this pile of papers. 他还在努力完成那堆文件。
- The rain is still working through the roof. 雨还往屋顶里渗。
- She is still working on her sketch. 她还在画她的素描。
- My NQ Day-Trading System is still working. 老和尚就在那里每天随鸡油走阿麻地。
- The boss told Liverpoolfc.tv: "Gerrard will travel, Degen is still out and Agger has a problem - everyone else is fit. 贝尼特斯告诉官网:“杰拉德已经可以随队出征了,而除了德根和阿格以外其他人也都没有任何的问题。”
- He hasn't got the answer but he is still working at it. 他还没有找到答案,但是还在继续努力。
- Djourou, Hleb, Adebayor and Gilberto are the only players that are present.Everyone else is still on holiday. 只有乔鲁,赫莱布,阿德巴约和吉尔伯托在状态,其他球员好像仍旧在度假。
- The piston seems ok. Maybe something else is wrong. 活塞似乎没问题。可能别的什么东西坏了。
- God made the integers; all else is the work of man. 上帝创造了整数,其他一切都是人造的。