- elimination of small region 小区域消除
- The elimination of small local vendors by a handful of national chain groceries has created an oligopsony where farmers cannot receive fair prices for their yields. 少数全国连锁食品杂货店对当地小商贩的排挤,已经造成一种少数买家垄断,农产品都卖不了好价钱。
- And the elimination of small nodes will not disrupt the network topology significantly, because they contain few links compared with the hubs, which connect to nearly everything. 但移除小型节点并无法有效破坏网络拓朴,因为它们只具有少数连结,而不像集散点那样几乎与所有节点相连。
- I'm sony, but we're sold out of small sizes. 对不起,小号的我们都卖完了。
- The thrush is a kind of small singing bird. 画眉是一种小鸣禽。
- The result of transport without mixing would be a series of small regions of dyed fluid interspersed with clear fluid. 只有输移而没有掺混,其结果必将在清水中散布着一系列染色水团小块。
- On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops. 街那头是一排小商店。
- Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。
- Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。
- But there was nothing political in the elimination of the weak. 可是政治对弱者并没有加以限制。
- Treatment is based on elimination of moisture from the ear canal. 治疗首先在于消除耳道内的水分。
- A thicket of small trees or shrubs; a coppice. 矮林,萌生林一种小树丛或灌木丛; 矮林
- Control and elimination of endemic diseases is a long-term task. 控制和消除地区性特有疾病是一份长期的差事。
- Carries a complete line of small tools. 包揽了小工具的全部商品
- Those refusing and resisting elimination of their crops. 抗拒铲除的
- A noteworthy feature of the ramp is elimination of stoops. 坡道一个值得注目的特点是结构梁顺着坡道的角度搭在柱子上。
- The elimination of lymphatic blockage, purifying the body. 消除淋巴淤塞、净化身体。
- They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement. 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。
- Foam rubber is soft rubber full of small air-bubbles. 泡沫橡胶是充满了小气泡的软橡胶。
- The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media. 答案并不在于消灭传播媒介中的私人企业。