- It is argued that aplastic anemia should be treated by nourishing the kidney and spleen, eliminating pathogenic factors, and regulating stomach qi as well. 认为治疗时宜掌握标本缓急,注重补肾健脾,扶正不忘祛邪,时时顾护胃气,师古融会新知。
- Eliminating pathogens means getting rid of pathogenic factors to facilitate and recover the strength of vial qi. 驱邪意味着驱除病邪以恢复正气的强盛。
- eliminating pathogenic factor from Moyuan therapy 开达膜原法
- strengthening the body resistanceand eliminating pathogenic factors 扶正与逐邪
- Hence in dealing with diseases, doctors should select proper herbs to eliminate pathogenic factors or regulate visceral functions in light of pathogenesis of diseases. 治疗疾病时,应针对不同的病机,选择相应的药物,利用或升、降、浮、沉的作用,因势利导,祛除病邪,或调整脏腑功能,使之恢复正常。
- Bo Liansong'Experience in Treating Large Intestine Cancer by Supporting Healthy Qi and Eliminating Pathogenic Factors 柏连松运用扶正祛邪法治疗大肠癌的经验
- eliminating pathogenic factors 祛邪
- For exopathy cough,eliminating the pathogenic factor is the emphases of treatment,which can be concluded 4 types. 外感咳嗽,叶氏重在祛邪,其治法可归纳为4种;
- Pathogenic factors are the predominant factor of disease. 邪气是疾病发生的重要条件。
- Sung stressed that the medical odds and is pathogenic factors [2]. 祖国医学强调七情不和,是致病的因素[2]。
- The occurrence of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors and vital qi. 疾病的发生和邪气及正气都相关。
- Objective To study the pathogenic factors of vertical root fractures (VRFs). 目的分析牙根纵裂的致病因素。
- They are not pathogenic factors; they are five comprehensive changes of pathogenesis. 它们不是病理因素,而是五种综合的病理改变。
- eliminating pathogenic heat from the blood 清热凉血
- eliminating exogenous pathogenic factors 客主加临
- Expelling pathogenic factors cannot only remove the pathogenic factors but also make qi flow in harmonious way. “透邪”,达邪也,不仅能透邪外出,而且能畅达邪郁之气机。
- eliminating pathogen and strengthening vital qi 祛邪扶正
- Objective To study the pathogenic factors and epidemiologic features of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer in children. 目的探讨儿童慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡的致病因素及流行病学特点。
- A method on Upper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection disease and fever of Wind-Hot is dispelling wind relieving the exterior and eliminating pathogens from exterior. 本课题以上呼吸道病毒感染性发热风热证为研究重点,确立疏邪解表、透热外达为基本治法。
- The infection of human follicle mite is one of pathogenic factors to some dermatosises. 蠕形螨感染是痤疮、酒渣鼻等皮肤疾病的致病因素之一。