- eliminate feudal forces 肃清封建势力
- They were inextricably tied up with feudal forces. 他们和封建势力有千丝万缕的联系。
- The chief enemies in China's revolutionary war are imperialism and the feudal forces. 中国革命战争的主要敌人,是帝国主义和封建势力。
- Banditry is still rampant, the feudal forces remain intact, and we still have a long way to go to fulfil the quotas for public grain and taxes. 就目前说,土匪为患还很严重,封建势力原封未动,征粮收税任务的完成都还差得很远。
- Therefore, standing by itself, the slogan for weakening the feudal forces introduced in southern Hebei needs reconsideration. 所以在冀南单独提出削弱封建的口号,是值得考虑的。
- The Taiping revolution gave history a great push forward by striking telling blows at the imperiahst and feudal forces. 太平天国的革命狠狠打击了帝国主义和封建势力,从而大大推动了历史前进。
- To over-throw these feudal forces is the real objective of the national revolution. 打翻这个封建势力,乃是国民革命的真正目标。
- Banditry is still rampant,the feudal forces remain intact,and we still have a long way to go to fulfil the quotas for public grain and taxes. 就目前说,土匪为患还很严重,封建势力原封未动,征粮收税任务的完成都还差得很远。
- Therefore,standing by itself,the slogan for weakening the feudal forces introduced in southern Hebei needs reconsideration. 所以在冀南单独提出削弱封建的口号,是值得考虑的。
- Thus it is clear that the people's republic will represent the interests of all strata opposed to imperialism and the feudal forces. 由此可知,人民共和国是代表反帝国主义反封建势力的各阶层人民的利益的。
- It not only combated the feudal forces' attempt to restore the old system, but also spread advanced bourgeois culture so as to enlighten the people. 它不但打击了封建复辟势力,而且移植了大量的资产阶级先进文化,达到了思想启蒙的作用。
- The comprador big bourgeoisie is a class which directly serves the capitarists of the imperialist countries and is nurtured by them; countless ties link it closely with the feudal forces in the countryside. 带买办性的大资产阶级,是直接为帝国主义国家的资本家服务并为他们所豢养的阶级,他们和农村中的封建势力有着千丝万缕的联系。
- They include not only powerful imperialists and powerful feudal forces, but also, at times, the bourgeois reactionaries who collaborate with the imperialist and feudal forces to oppose the people. 中国革命的敌人不但有强大的帝国主义,而且有强大的封建势力,而且在一定时期内还有勾结帝国主义和封建势力以与人民为敌的资产阶级的反动派。
- As for China's big bourgeoisie,which is represented by the Kuomintang,all through the long period from 1927 to 1937 it nestled in the arms of the imperialists and formed an alliance with the feudal forces against the revolutionary people. 至于中国的大资产阶级,以国民党为代表,在一九二七年至一九三七年这一个长的时期内,一直是投入帝国主义的怀抱,并和封建势力结成同盟,反对革命人民的。
- The government of the people's republic will be based primarily on the workers and peasants,but will also include representatives of the other classes which are opposed to imperialism and the feudal forces. 人民共和国的政府以工农为主体,同时容纳其他反帝国主义反封建势力的阶级。
- They include not only powerful imperialists and powerful feudal forces,but also,at times,the bourgeois reactionaries who collaborate with the imperialist and feudal forces to oppose the people. 中国革命的敌人不但有强大的帝国主义,而且有强大的封建势力,而且在一定时期内还有勾结帝国主义和封建势力以与人民为敌的资产阶级的反动派。
- Let us eliminate all uncertain on thought. 让我们从思想上消除一切疑惑。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- Public opinion was against the old feudal system. 公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。
- He lost faith in feudal traditions. 他不再相信封建的老一套了。