- elevators for disabled persons 残疾人电梯
- The car park reserved for disabled persons is in via Harar. 为残障人士保留的停车区域在阿拉尔路。
- There are 370 vocational education and training centers for disabled persons in China. In 1994 alone 97,000 people/time of handicapped persons were trained. 残疾人职业教育和培训机构已有370个,仅1994年就培训残疾人9.;7万人次。
- When we design buildings, we should keep in mind that there should be apartments that are suitable for disabled persons. 当我们设计大楼的时候,我们要记住:应该设计一些适合残疾人居住的公寓。
- Unauthorized vehicles not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for disabled persons will be towed away at owner's expense. 未在明显位置悬挂残疾人专用标牌或牌照的非专属车辆将被拖走,费用自理。
- From the 2007/08 season, entry to the stadium for disabled persons and their assistants is through turnstile 11 (Piazza Axum area). 从2007-2008赛季起,残障人士和他们的助理进入球场应通过11号十字转门(奥克斯姆广场区域)。
- Article21[ Channels of Education] The state shall set up educational institutions for disabled persons and encour age social forces to run schools and donate funds for schools. 第二十一条国家举办残疾人教育机构,并鼓励社会力量办学、资助学。
- The special way for disabled person at the hall and main public areas. Provide the wheelchair, the special toilet and the essential service. 门厅及主要公共区域有残疾人出入坡道,配备轮椅,有残疾人专用卫生间或厕位,能为残疾人提供必要的服务。
- CDPF shall undertake tasks entrusted by the government, conduct work for disabled persons and mobilize social forces in developing undertakings for disabled persons. 残疾人联合会承担政府委托的任务,开展残疾人工作,动员社会力量,发展残疾人事业。
- State functionaries and other personnel engaged in the work for disabled persons should work hard to fulfill their lofty duties in serving disabled people. 从事残疾人工作的国家工作人员和其他人员,应当履行光荣职责,努力为残疾人服务。
- The educational institutions, welfare entities and other service institutions for disabled persons shall create conditions to carry out rehabilitation training activities. 残疾人教育机构、福利性单位和其他为残疾人服务的机构,应当创造条件,开展康复训练活动。
- A dead goose found in the yard of a home for disabled persons in the hill village of Wickersdorf in Thuringia tested positive for the H5N1 strain of bird flu on Friday. 周五,图林根州的一个叫做Wickersdorf的小山村的残疾人的院子里发现了一只死鹅,经检测,其阳性基因正好与H5N1禽流感病毒相符。
- The special way for disabled person at the hall and main public areas. Provide the wheelchair, the special toilet and special service. 门厅及主要公共区域有残疾人出入坡道,配备轮椅。有残疾人专用卫生间或厕位,能为残疾人提供特殊服务;
- Since the beginning of the Asian and Pacific Decade for Disabled Persons in 1993,we have doubled the number of residential places and increased the number of day places by about 50% . 自亚太区残疾人士十年推广大会在一九九三年开展以来,我们为残疾人士提供的住宿名额已增加一倍,而日间服务名额也增加了一半左右。
- Departments concerned under the people's governments at various levels shall keep in close contact with disabled persons, solicit their opinions and fulfill respectively their own duties in the work for disabled persons. 各级人民政府有关部门,应当密切联系残疾人,听取残疾人的意见,按照各自的职责,做好残疾人工作。
- State organs, non-governmental organizations, enterprises, institutions and urban and rural organizations at grassroots level should do their work for disabled persons well, as is within their responsibility. 机关、团体、企业事业组织和城乡基层组织,应当做好所属范围内的残疾人工作。
- Since the beginning of the Asian and Pacific Decade for Disabled Persons in 1993, we have doubled the number of residential places and increased the number of day places by about 50% . 自亚太区残疾人士十年推广大会在一九九三年开展以来,我们为残疾人士提供的住宿名额已增加一倍,而日间服务名额也增加了一半左右。
- A total of four elevators for passengers and another two for loading goods. 共四部客用升降机和两部载货升降机。
- The state and society shall foster and provide relief, in accordance with relevant regulations, for disabled persons without work capabilities, legal fosterer or financial resource. 国家和社会对无劳动能力、无法定扶养人、无生活来源的残疾人,按照规定予以供养、救济。
- Provide facilities and accommodations for disabled persons at places of cultural, sports, recreative and other public activities and set up in a planned way activity centres for disabled persons. (四)文化、体育、娱乐和其他公共活动场所,为残疾人提供方便和照顾。有计划地兴办残疾人活动场所。