- Everything I owned has gone up the spout. 我所有的一切都化为乌有了。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- The spout of the teapot is jammed by tea. 茶壶的壶口被茶叶堵住了。
- My holiday plans are completely up the spout. 我的假期计画全吹了。
- You may push this button to call the elevator. 你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
- Their lives have gone up the spout. 他们的生活无可挽回地给毁了。
- I took the elevator to the eighteenth floor. 我坐电梯上了第十八层。
- This teapot's got a broken spout. 这茶壶的壶嘴坏了。
- Her job is to operate an elevator. 她的工作是开电梯。
- The elevator shot us to the top floor. 电梯把我们迅速送到顶楼。
- The spout is chipped so it doesn't pour very well. 这壶嘴儿有个豁口,倒起来不方便。
- Bill is worried because he thinks his girlfriend is up the spout. 比尔很焦急,因为他以为他的女朋友怀孕了。
- "Lift" for "elevator" is a Briticism. 表示电梯之意的lift是英国英语。
- elevator spout 升运器排出槽
- Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot. 小唐尼把茶壶嘴打下来了。
- Four huge crates within the compass of the elevator. 四个巨大的板条箱在起卸机的范围内
- He can spout Shakespeare for hours. 他能滔滔不绝地朗朗背诵莎士比亚的作品。
- You'll save time not waiting for the elevator. 你可以节省等电梯的时间。
- The broken spout on that teapot should be mended. 要把那只茶壶的破壶嘴修好。
- A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout. 一缕薄薄的雾气正从壶嘴升起。