- However, the acts are elegant and lowly, prudent and frivolous, civilizations and vulgar, decent and shame, decency and Kuifajiaoyang of points. 但是,人的行为有高雅和卑贱、稳重与轻浮、文明和庸俗、体面和羞耻、有涵养和缺乏教养之分。
- Ci naturally possesses the attribute of a transmitter, which swings between elegance and vulgarity. 摘要词体天然具备着一种介质的属性,它穿凿游刃于雅、俗间。
- Although there have been lots of interpretations on the elegance and vulgarness of literature, the author considers them just criticisms on the surface without gasping the essence. 摘要关于文学雅与俗的内蕴已有不少阐释,但都是离开本体论去谈雅与俗,给人一种隔靴搔痒的遗憾。
- She dressed in cheap and vulgar clothes. 她穿着廉价而俗气的衣服。
- His writing combines elegance and wit. 他的文章典雅而有风趣。
- For enhanced elegance and athletic allure. 这一切都为加强M5优雅和运动的无限魅力。
- I like their elegance and flexibility. 我喜欢它的精美,灵巧。
- He depicts the sordid and vulgar sides of life exclusively. 他只描写人生肮脏和庸俗的一面。
- On Elegance and Vulgarity in Liu Yong's Ci Poems 浅论柳词的俗与雅
- Her form is symbolized by elegance and beauty. 道教将西王母列为最高女神。
- On the Elegance and Vulgarity of Ci Poetry 近雅远俗话词论
- To them, fragrance is irrelevant and vulgar -- redundant. 香味对它们来说是俗气的,附加上去的。
- Her elegance and beauty was simply divine. 她高雅的气质和美丽的外表简直是上天的恩赐。
- Be sure to stay away from coarse and vulgar manners. 指人汇聚的场所,以及粗俗鄙陋的气息,都一定要彻底戒止。
- interaction of elegance and vulgarity 雅俗互动
- change of elegance and vulgarity 雅俗之变
- The drawing room was furnished with elegance and taste. 客厅布置得十分优雅。
- The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests. 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷。
- elegance and vulgar 雅俗
- Elegance and polished appearance with full aluminum alloy body. 典雅优美外观造型设计,全铝合金机箱结构。