- The short act is full of wit and humor. 这段小品妙趣横生。
- His writing combines elegance and wit. 他的文章典雅而有风趣。
- For enhanced elegance and athletic allure. 这一切都为加强M5优雅和运动的无限魅力。
- His new play is a mixture of sadness and humor. 他的新剧本融悲哀和幽默于一体。
- I like their elegance and flexibility. 我喜欢它的精美,灵巧。
- And humor often insults someone. 幽默时常会冒犯某些人。
- Him speech was full of wit and humor. 他的演讲充满了机智与幽默。
- Her form is symbolized by elegance and beauty. 道教将西王母列为最高女神。
- What happened to personality, verve and humor? 你要的个性,气魄,还有幽默呢?
- Her elegance and beauty was simply divine. 她高雅的气质和美丽的外表简直是上天的恩赐。
- The drawing room was furnished with elegance and taste. 客厅布置得十分优雅。
- The sketches they put on were full of wit and humor. 他们表演的小品妙趣横生。
- The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests. 丝绸的华丽与典雅,宫廷的大气与尊贵,令与会的嘉宾心醉神迷。
- He conducted these instructional sessions with animation and humor. 他在这些会议上讲话诙谐生动。
- The girl impressed her friends with liveliness and humor. 这个女孩给她的朋友留下了活泼和幽默的印象。
- Elegance and polished appearance with full aluminum alloy body. 典雅优美外观造型设计,全铝合金机箱结构。
- Her can-do spirit and humor were still very much intact. 她积极进取的精神和幽默的性格丝毫没有改变。
- He swaggered out of the room, with much elegance and gentility. 他昂首阔步地从屋子里走出去,气度雍容,姿态优美。
- elegance and humor 雅趣
- Dan brought down the house with his clever wit and humor. 丹以他的智慧和幽默博得了满场喝彩。