- electronic sealing glass 电子封接玻璃
- It is identified by XPS and IR analyses that the surface treatment of sealing glass by silane is a chamical process. 通过XPS,IR对封接玻璃表面的分析,说明用硅烷处理其表面是一种化学过程。
- The jewellery is displayed in a sealed glass case. 这些珠宝陈列在密封的玻璃橱里。
- Photovoltaic raw materials: silicon material, silicon bulk/silicon briquet, silicon chip, sealing glass, sealing membrane, other materials. 光伏原材料:硅料,硅锭/硅块,硅片,封装玻璃,封装薄膜,其他原料。
- The phosphate is used not only as the main material of low-melting sealing glass, and also as the nucleating agent and the filler. 磷酸盐在低熔封接玻璃中既作为主要原料也是成核剂及填料。
- New manufacture processes and new glass forming systems will play a great part in the development of low-temperature seal glass. 新的制备工艺和新的玻璃形成体系将对封接玻璃发展起着十分重要的作用。
- According to the environment of actual computer application,a new design of electronic seal is presented,which can design electronic seal more easily and make electronic seal to be applied more widely. 针对目前计算机应用的实际情况,提出了关于电子图章的一种新的设计思想,使电子图章更加容易实现,更加容易推广应用。
- The keys allotted in pairs by PKI decided the embedding and extracting processes of the watermarking and seal.The electronic seal includes two layers of fragile watermark and robust digital watermark. 方案中使用PKI分配成对的密钥完成水印和印章的嵌入及检测提取,电子印章里分别包含有具有脆弱和鲁棒特性的两层水印。
- Electronic Seal System Based on AES and ECC 基于AES、ECC混合密码体制的电子签章系统
- Developing Open and Fair Electronic Seal System 发展公开、公正的第三代电子印章系统
- Study of Metal Oxide Enhanced Sealing Glass 金属氧化物增强封接玻璃的研究
- Study of Nano Oxide Toughened Sealing Glass 纳米金属氧化物增韧封接玻璃的研究
- It protects a sealed glass phial containing seawater collected on the calmest of days when the water was leaden. 它保护著一只密封的小玻璃瓶,瓶中是在最平静的日子、海面风平浪静时所收集的海水。
- Progress in Research on Low-melting Sealing Glass 低熔封接玻璃的研究进展
- The Function of Surface Modifier in Sealing Glass 表面改性剂在封接玻璃复合材料中的作用
- A new scheme for electronic sealed?bid auctions based on the RSA function is presented, which preserves losing bids and bidders?s anonymous identities. No bidder can repudiate his or her bid. In our scheme, opening bids requires at most ??? 给出了一个基于rsa函数的密封电子拍卖方案;任何投标者不能否认所投的标书;未中标价不会被泄露;可以实现投标者的身份匿名.
- Low - melting sealing glass - ceramic 低熔封接微晶玻璃
- Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。
- Design and Realization of an Encrypted Electronic Seal 电子图章加密的设计与实现
- Here in SBV's sealed glass cottage the butterfly effect appeared in miniature: by wiggling her fingers Leigh upset the balance of the atmosphere. 而在SBV封闭的玻璃小屋里,蝴蝶效应以缩影的形式出现:雷夫勾动一下手指,就扰乱了大气的平衡。