- Finally it concluded that the electronic peer review system should be carefully applied in order to be a note for maintaining the quality of networked scholarly resources. 透过网路化电子期刊同侪评阅系统之瞭解,将足以探索品质控制之机制及采用系统之必要,亦做为科学计量方法评量之外的另一种网路学术资源品质控制之肯定。
- electronic peer review 电子审稿
- Bureaucrats revising reports after peer review. 官僚们篡改通过了同业评审的报告。
- This document defines an overall peer review process. 该文档定义了一个全面的同行评审过程。
- Have the conclusions been verified by impartial peer review ? 结论是否由评审公平的检阅?
- A third evaluation is a peer review of the document by domain experts. 第三步评价是有领域专家进行的对文档的同行评审。
- Hong Kong's environmental monitoring and audit activities have been highly rated by international peer review. 香港的环境监察及审核工作,在国际上获得同类工作机构的高度评价。
- There are some disadvantages, however, to restricting the agenda of a technical or peer review advisory committee. 然而对技术或同行审议型委员会议题的限制,会有一些缺点。
- SG2 Peer reviews are performed on selected work work products. 对指定的工作产品进行同行评审。
- Have the peer reviews on your project been effective? 在你的项目中是否有有效的同行评审?
- SP2.1 Prepare for peer reviews of selected work products. 对指定的工作产品进行同行评审。
- Score this project using a printed Peer Review Rubric and then enter the scores in the short form below. Hit the TAB key to move from field to field. 使用书面评分表先在纸上打好分数后再在下方的短表中输入分数,按tab键来在各空格中移动。
- Submit suggestions for improvements to be made in this peer review process to 's peer review process owner. 向组织的同行评审过程拥有者提交该次同行评审过程的改进建议。
- Deliver Inspection Summary Report and counts of defects found and defects corrected to peer review coordinator. 向同行评审协调者提交评审总结报告及发现的缺陷数和改正的缺陷数。
- Each article is subjected to a peer review to ensure the fairness and accuracy of the views expressed. 每篇文章都经过仔细审查,以确保所表达的观点的公平和准确。
- Expand and encourage peer review and distribution of all content, especially distribution in less developed countries. 扩展和鼓励同行评议以及内容的流通,特别是在欠发达国家中扩大内容的散布。
- Delivers completed Inspection Summary Report to the organization's peer review coordinator. · 提交完成的评审总结报告给组织的同行评审协调者。
- All RAND monographs undergo rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity. 为保证高水平研究质量和客观性,兰德所有的文字形式文件为同行研究使用。
- All abstracts of the scientific sections will be submitted to a peer review process. 所有独立提交的论文摘要都将由组委会送出进行匿名评审。
- The evaluation of the performance of independent directors and supervisors shall be conducted through a combination of self-review and peer review. 独立董事、监事的评价应采取自我评价与相互评价相结合的方式进行。