- electronic key generator 电子密钥发生器
- Two unique sets of self-work controling circuit are the unlocked circuits of both password keyset and electronic key. 独特的两套独立工作的控制电路,即密码键盘开锁电路及电子钥匙开锁电路。
- Choose hotels that have electronic key systems where the rooms are re-keyed after guests check out. 选择使用电子钥匙系统、房间在客人付帐离开后会上锁的酒店。
- A key-gen or key generator is an application that creates fake, yet still valid, serial numbers. 序列号生成器(key-gen或key generator)是一种用来生成假(但是可用的)序列号的应用程序。
- Key blanks are available with a conventional key bow that is custom coined for security or as Hybrid Prox or iCLASS electronic key blanks. 这是自定义创造安全或混合感应卡或电子钥匙坯。
- The key manager encapsulates the surrogate key generation function. 键管理器封装了代理键生成函数。
- When Keyless Go is fitted, all functions of the standard drive authorisation system using the electronic key are still available. 在装备卡片式无匙起动功能后,汽车上固有的电子钥匙驾驶授权之所有标准功能仍然可用。
- The current ID-based blind signatures and proxy signatures were analyzed in this paper.It was found that these systems need to trust a Private Key Generator (PKG) unconditionally. 摘要分析了现有的基于身份的盲签名和代理签名,发现这些系统都需要无条件信任私钥产生中心(PKG)。
- This paper illustrates the necessity of using electronic key ignition lock on vehicles and introduces the structure of the lock and the function of each part. 说明了使用机动车电子钥匙点火锁的必要性,详细介绍了其结构及各部件的功能,着重分析了工作过程;
- In the concept of Identity-Based Encryption System, users just need know each one's Identity information such as email address and public parameters provided by Private Key Generator. 基于身份的公钥加密系统的概念是指在该体系中,用户在相互通信时,一方只需要知道另一方的诸如电子邮件地址这样的用户身份信息以及由私钥发生器所提供的公共参数即可。
- The remote control may have to be resynchronized, if the vehicle cannot be locked or unlocked.To synchronize insert electronic key in steering lock.The remote control should once again be operational. 如果车辆不能被锁止或解锁,遥控钥匙可能需要同步设定。把电子钥匙插入到方向柱锁内,再按遥控钥匙一次。
- Based on the idea of signcryption, an ID-based designated recipient group signcryption scheme without trusted PKG (private key generator) was proposed by improving an ID-based group signature scheme. 摘要利用签密的思想,对基于身份的群签名方案进行改进,提出无可信PKG(私钥生成中心)的基于身份的指定接收者群签密方案。
- This paper is an introduction to the specific use of the cryptographic iButton as the electronic key used as a safety apparatus developed by the American company Dallas with illustration of its hardwares structure and design principles. 介绍了美国 DALLAS公司生产的自动识别产品 i Button作为电子钥匙在汽车防盗器中的具体应用 ,并给出了它的硬件结构、设计原理
- The second scheme achieves quick agreement of each subgroup and alleviation of a single KGC’s load by division of the multicast group and use of some parallel key generator centers. 第二个方案通过划分子组,引入一组并行工作的密钥生成中心(KGC),实现了各个子组密钥的快速协商,减轻了单个 KGC 的工作负担。
- At the same time,the key generator center creates partial private keys for nodes,and then solves the key escrow problem in the identity-based cryptography. 同时密钥生成中心为用户生成部分私钥,解决了基于身份密码体制中的密钥托管问题;
- Public key generated by the content packager and delivered to the license issuer to use when verifying the header. 公钥由内容打包者生成并转交给许可分发者校验文件头。
- Leading, communicating, negotiating, and others discussed in Section 2.4, Key General Management Skills. 领导、沟通、谈判和2.;4节(主要管理技能)中讨论的其他技能。
- Digital certificates bind owners to a pair of electronic keys that can be used to encrypt and sign information,assuring that the keys actually belong to the person or organization specified. 数字证明把拥有者与一对能用于对信息加密和签名的电子钥匙捆绑在一起,保证了这对钥匙真正属于指定的个人或机构。
- Helen became an electronic engineer. 海伦成了一名电子工程师。
- In digital signatures, the private key generates the signature, and the corresponding public key validates the signature. 在数字签名中,私钥将生成签名,而相应的公钥将验证该签名。