- The resultant human form now ran on electromagnetic energy. 合成的人类形体现在运作着电磁能量。
- As we are created by electromagnetic energy - and react to EM energy stimuli around us - so does the pineal gland. 当我们被电磁能创造时-而且跟我们周围无处不在EM能源激励起反应-松果体也是如此。
- A device which transmits an extremely narrow and coherent beam of electromagnetic energy in the visible light spectrum. 一种能够发射可见光谱电磁能的极细的相干光束的装置。
- The brain is an electrochemical organ - using electromagnetic energy to function. 大脑是一电气化学器官-使用电磁能运行。
- So as you see all things are connected by the flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality! 如同你理解的万物都被创造我们实相的电磁能场能流连接在一块,都是如此!
- Athermal Effect Any effect of electromagnetic energy absorption not associated with a measurable rise in temperature. 非热效应与可测量的温度升高无关的所有电磁能吸收效应。
- This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal - vortex - or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. 这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口-旋涡-或离开行星地球到达某地的虫洞。
- These teachings seemed to center on electromagnetic energies. 这些教导像是对着电磁能中心。
- Disease and or syndromes will occur unless action is taken to stop the electromagnetic energy from impacting health. 疾病和任何症状将出现,除非采取行动以阻止影响身体健康的电磁能。
- Electromagnetic energy units are the forms that basic experience takes when directed by the inner self. These then form physical matter and objects. 电磁能量单位是基本经验在内我指导下所用的形式。这些就形成物质和物体。
- Chest x-ray - a diagnostic test which uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs onto film. 线检查:用一种看不见的电磁波投射在胶片上产生内部组织,骨骼,和脏器的影像的诊断性的检查。
- This is the form of the fields set up by feeding electromagnetic energy into a resonator formed by two curved reflectors. 它是将电磁波输入由两个曲面反射镜组成的谐振腔后所建立的电磁场的形式。
- The ground penetrating radar (GPR) systems usually use broadband electromagnetic pulse, so the antennas must be wideband and can couple electromagnetic energy into the ground. 摘要探地雷达系统一般采用超宽带短脉冲信号,因而其天线系统必须具有较好的宽带性能。
- The deliberate insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths with the objective of confusing or deceiving operators. 用搞乱或欺骗的物体把电子能量精密地插入到传送道。
- Nine years later Ebbesen and his colleagues concluded that surface plasmons on the film were intensifying the transmission of electromagnetic energy. 九年后,艾布森和同事得到结论,认为金箔上的表面电浆子强化了穿透的电磁波能量。
- Look between your hands to see the electromagnetic energies, your aura. 去看你的手间,去理解电磁能量、你的光环。
- Phillip Goodrich. Odour reduction in swine manure using electromagnetic energy annual teport. http: //www. bat. umn.edu, 1996. 陈代文.封闭猪舍有毒气体及其控制措施.四川农业大学学报,1993,(11):463--467
- It is this interconnectedness, this electromagnetic energy, that is needed for the ascension of Mother Earth and all life upon her. 它就是这样互联,就是这样的电磁能量,是为地球母亲和在她上面所有生命提升所必须的。
- The biological effects of radiofrequency energy should not be confused with the effects from other types of electromagnetic energy. 首先不要搞混手机辐射和其他电磁辐射的影响;
- The quantum of electromagnetic energy, generally regarded as a discrete particle having zero mass, no electric charge, and an indefinitely long lifetime. 光子,光量子电磁能的量子,一般认为是有零质量、无电荷和不定长寿命的离散性粒子