- The microstructure of electroless copper deposit is greatly effected by the substrate upon which deposition occurs. 化学镀铜层的显微结构受基体的显著影响。
- Yosi, S. D., Dubin, V. and Angyal, M., “Electroless copper deposition for ULSI,” Thin Solid Films, Vol. 262, pp. 93-103, 1995. “半导体制程技术导论”,台湾培生教育出版股份有限公司,美国,第473-474页,2001
- Formula with Rochelle salt as the complexing agent and formaldehyde as the reducer for electroless copper deposition resulted in deposition with better washing property. 以酒石酸钾钠为络合剂、甲醛为还原剂的镀铜配方的镀层耐水洗性能最好。
- Chemical oxidation and BTA passivation were used to improve the properties of electroless copper deposits. 用化学氧化及苯并三氮唑(BTA)钝化处理的方法来提高化学镀铜层的表面抗氧化、耐腐蚀和耐磨性能。
- Electroless copper depositing processess are controlled by the kinetics of formal dehyde oxidation reaction, which donate electron for the cathodic reduction of cupric ions. 化学镀铜反应受甲醛氧化过程动力学控制,甲醛氧化为铜离子还原提供电子。
- Keywords Photographic gelatin;Reducing power;Electroless copper deposition;Depth profiling;Chemical state; 照相明胶;还原能力;铜无电沉积;深度剖析;化学形态;
- electroless copper deposition 化学镀铜
- Electroless copper plating is a non-electrolytic method of deposition from solution. 化学镀铜是指不使用电解方法而从槽液中沉积镀铜。
- Specific monoamine may be added as accelerator into electroless copper plating solution to perform high speed deposition. 在化学镀铜液中添加有特效的一元胺作加速剂可以获得特别快的沉积速度.
- They proved up the copper deposit. 他们探明了铜矿的矿床。
- Oita, M., Matsuoka, M. and Iwakura, C., “Deposition rate and morphology of electroless copper film from solutions containing 2, 2’-dipyridyl,” Electrochimica Acta, Vol.42, pp. 1435-1440, 1997. 郑俊麟,“探讨半导体金属化制程之金属钽薄膜的沉积与化学添加剂对铜沉积之影响”,硕士论文,私立中原大学化学工程研究所,桃园,第9-10页,2002。
- Conductive Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabrics were prepared by electroless copper and nickel plating. 摘要采用化学镀的方法制备镀铜和镍导电涤纶织物。
- A lot of copper deposits lie in the basalt. 期间分布铜矿床(点)多处。
- Electroless copper plating on PET fabrics using hypophosphite as reducing agent was investigated. 研究了采用次磷酸钠作还原剂在涤纶织物上化学镀铜。
- Keweenaw native copper deposit was formed in an intracontinental rift. 基维诺自然铜矿床生成于陆内裂谷环境。
- As the results,it was feasible to prepare compact,uniform,and bright Cu coating on the PUF substrate using the developed electroless copper plating process. 本工艺可在PUF表面镀上一层均匀、色泽光亮的金属铜膜,其粒径匀称、排布规整、镀层致密;
- The no-blemish copper deposition in micro trench is the essential problem needing to be resolved in the development of ULSI manufacture. 微细凹槽内无空洞和缝隙缺陷镀铜是集成电路芯片铜布线制造工艺技术发展中需解决的一个关键问题。
- Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi province is the biggest open-pit non-ferrous metal mine in China,and it is a porphyry copper deposit. 江西德兴铜矿是我国最大的有色露天金属矿,属斑岩型铜矿山。
- Abstract: Surface metallization on alumina ceramic was realized by electroless copper plating.Microstructure of the metallized copper layer before and after heat treatment was studied by SEM. 摘 要: 通过化学镀铜在氧化铝陶瓷基板表面实现了金属化,采用SEM研究了镀铜层表面微观形貌以及热处理的影响,检测分析了金属化镀层附着力。