- electrically neutral dipoles 电偶极子
- Any of three electrically neutral subatomic particles in the lepton family. 中微子轻微子家族中三种电中性亚原子粒子中的任何一种
- When the total number of protons equals the total number of electrons, the body as a whole is electrically neutral. 当质子总数等于电子的总数时,这个物体就整体来说是电中性的。
- As a result, the disks are composed largely of electrically neutral dust and gas rather than ionized plasma. 结果导致其主要构成物质为电中性的尘埃和气体,而非离子化的电浆。
- If an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral. 如果一个原子含有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子,使之不带电荷。(重复“原子”
- Neutrons, being electrically neutral particles, do not produce ionization or excitation directly in their passage through matter. 中子是中性不带电的粒子,当它通过物体时并不直接产生电离或激发作用。
- It has been shown throughthe experiment that the charges of the nucleus and electrons are equal so that the atom is electrically neutral. 实验表明原子核和电子的带电量相等,因此原子成电中性。
- An electrically neutral excited state of an insulator or semiconductor, often regarded as a bound state of an electron and a hole. 激子由于吸收光子在固体中产生的可移动的束缚的电子-空子对
- Since all compounds are electrically neutral, there also must be a species in the oxidation-reduction reactions that gains electrons. 因为所有的化合物都是电中性的,因此在氧化还原反应中某种物质一定获得了电子。
- The other side of the hairpin carries a collection of negative charges, so that the whole caboodle is electrically neutral. 发夹的另一端携带者一些负电荷。这样整个东西就呈电中性了。
- Neutrinos are electrically neutral, virtually mass-less elementary particles that can pass through miles of lead unhindered. 它们可以穿过数英里的距离而不和任何物质相互作用。
- The two Higgs fields give rise to five species of Higgs boson: three that are electrically neutral and two that are charged. SSM中的两个希格斯场会导致五种希格斯玻色子:三个是不带电的中性粒子,两个则是带电粒子。
- An electrically neutral,highly ionized gas composed of ions,electrons,and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids,liquids,and normal gases. 等离子体由离子、电子和不带电的粒子组成的电中性的、高度离子化的气体,它是与固体、液体和正常气体相区别的一种物质状态。
- Plasma: an electrically neutral, highly ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids, liquids, and normal gases. 等离子体,由离子、电子和不带电的粒子组成的电中性的、高度离子化的气体。
- Neutrino is an electrically neutral subatomic particle, which has very little interaction with any other matters. Hence, the star will be transparent to them. 中微子是亚原子粒子,它们差不多不会和任何物质产生反应,所以恒星对它们来说是透明的。
- An electrically neutral, highly ionized gas composed of ions, electrons, and neutral particles. It is a phase of matter distinct from solids, liquids, and normal gases. 等离子体由离子、电子和不带电的粒子组成的电中性的、高度离子化的气体,它是与固体、液体和正常气体相区别的一种物质状态
- Enough electrons are present to maintain electrical neutrality. 存在着足够多的电子以维持电中性。
- The state of having exactly the same numbers of positive and negative electrical charges (ionic and electronic), that is, of being electrically neutral. 材料中一种正负电荷(离子和电子)数目精确相等的状态,在此状态下,材料是不带电的。
- Once an antiproton and positron have joined forces, the resulting antihydrogen atom is electrically neutral and thus no longer caged by the electrical fields in the trap. 一旦一个反质子和正电子具有了结合的力量,产生的反氢原子是中性的,结果在线圈中不再受电场束缚。
- He has a rather neutral character. 他品性平平。