- HV outdoor switchgear series are mainly used as breaking, closing load current, short circuit current of rural net and urban net 10KV system and other seemly fieids with 50HZ. 该断路器系三相交流50Hz的高压户外开关设备,主要采用来开断关合农网、城网的10KV系统的负荷电流、过载电流、短路电流。也可用于其他类似场所。
- HV outdoor switchgear series are mainly used as breaking, closing load current, overload current, short circuit current of 10KV system and other and seemly field with 50HZ. 该断路器系三相交流50Hz的高压户外开关设备,主要用来开断、关合10KV系统的负荷电流、过载电流、短路电流。也可用于其他类似场所。
- It is a three phase H.V.Switch equipment of 12kv.50Hz for breaking or closing load current.no-load transformer cablw charging current and closing short-circuit current. 产品特点: FN12-12D/630-50型户内交流高压负荷开关(以下简称FN12-12D负荷开关)是额定电压为12kv,额定频率为50Hz的三相高压开关设备,用于分合负荷开关,可以承受短路电流。
- He closed the deal successfully and was home free. 买卖成交了,他松了一口气。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- The boss readily closed with the offer. 老板马上接受了这个报价。
- Have you closed the gate and windows? 你把门窗关严实了吗?
- He closed his speech with a funny joke. 他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。
- There are some electrical apparatus in the room. 房间里有些电器。
- That oyster closed up its valves. 那个牡蛎把壳合拢起来。
- There is a fault in the electrical system. 电路系统出了故障。
- The Waterloo line is closed for repair. 滑铁卢铁路线因维修关闭。
- This project has been closed up. 这个项目已终止了。
- He is an electrical technician by profession. 他的职业是电工技师。
- This road is closed to motor vehicles. 这条路机动车不准通行。
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to me. 核物理学是我完全不懂的一门学科。
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us. 我们大多数人对原子核物理学一窍不通。
- He closed his ears to my suggestion. 他对我的建议充耳不闻。
- All this electrical wiring will take a day to set up. 所有这些电线架线要花一天时间安装好。
- He closed up the office at five o'clock. 他五点钟就把办公室关闭起来。