- electrical pain control 电镇痛法
- Irrational drug-use for the pain control of cancer still existed. 癌症止痛治疗中存在不合理用药现象。
- Disdain for pain control is also a byproduct of Japan's medical system. 藐视疼痛控制的心态,也是日本医疗体系的副产品。
- Ropivacaine is a long-acting amino amide class of local anesthetics, developed by Astra Pain Control AB, Sweden . 罗哌卡因(Ropivacaine,R)是一种新型长效酰胺类局部麻醉药,由瑞典阿斯特拉疼痛控制中心(Astra Pain Control AB,Sweden)研制开发。
- AIM: To evaluate the pain control effects of internal 89 Sr radiotherapy combined with Bonin for metastatic bone pain. 目的 :评价89Sr内照射联合博宁治疗转移性骨痛的疗效 .
- All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied. 如果应用目前关于疼痛控制和姑息治疗的知识,可帮助需要缓解疼痛的所有患者。
- Ambulation was initiated within 3 to 6 hours, with all patients receiving anti-emetics and adequate pain control. 上下床护理于术后3至6小时内开始进行,所有的患者都服用止吐药物及接受适当的疼痛控制。
- To observe the duration of recurrent aphthae(DR) and to evaluate pain control effect with pain Index(PI). 结果:治疗组平均溃疡期明显缩短,疼痛指数明显下降。
- Because virtual reality is a uniquely effective new form of distraction, it makes an ideal candidate for pain control. 因为虚拟实境是种独特、有效转移注意力的新法,因此成为疼痛控制的理想选择。
- Object To explore the pain control effect and nursing of PCIA on patients after microsurgery of lumbar disc. 目的探讨微创椎间盘手术后氯诺昔康PCIA的镇痛效果与护理对策。
- The leading reason for that, said Dr. Fumikazu Takeda, a retired neurosurgeon who leads the fight for better pain control, is patients' fear. 带头呼吁改善疼痛控制措施的退休神经外科医师武田文和说,日本止痛药消耗量较少,主因是病患的恐惧心理。
- The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate the remote effect of myofascial trigger point (MTrP) injection for pain control. 摘要本病例报告之目的在于描述肌激痛点注射之远端效应。
- The quality of pain ranges from dull pain to sharp pain, electric pain, burning pain, or numbness. 疼痛的性质有的钝痛,有的刺痛,有的触电似疼痛,有的呈烧灼性痛,有的觉下肢麻木沉重感。
- Objective:The present study was to demonstrate the direct efferent projections from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) to endogeneous pain control system in the rat. 目的:显示大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核向内源性镇痛系统的直接传出纤维投射。
- Objective: The present study was to demonstrate the direct efferent projections from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis (SRD) to endogeneous pain control system in the rat. 摘要目的:显示大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核向内源性镇痛系统的直接传出纤维投射。
- The patient will have a satisfactory level of pain control, relief of nausea and vomiting, normal bowel sounds within 72 hours, absence of fever, and lungs clear to auscultation. 病人对疼痛控制、恶心呕吐缓解感到满意,72小时内肠鸣音正常,不发烧,肺部听诊无杂音。
- Conclusion:Local infiltration plus intravenous anesthesia without Tracheal intubation is simple in performation,excellence in pain control and sedation keeping. 结论:非气管插管静脉全麻复合局麻操作简便,镇痛、镇静完全,效果良好。
- Conclusion: This study indicates that SRD has extensive communications with endogeneous pain control system.It suggests that SRD is involved in nociceptive transmission. 结论:延髓网状背侧亚核与内源性镇痛系统之间有广泛的纤维联系,提示该核与痛觉调节活动有关。
- "Complementary alternative medicine may improve fatigue and extend the period of effective pain control of conventional analgesics in pancreatic cancer patients," Birdsall says. 以上研究发现发表于胃肠道癌症研讨会年会,美国临床肿瘤学会与其它三个癌症照护机构共同赞助。
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?