- Keywords super-hard abrasive wheel;electric spark truing;aspheric mold; 超硬磨料砂轮;电火花修整;非球面模芯;
- electric spark truing 电火花修整
- An electric spark ignites petrol in a car engine. 电火花点然整个草堆。
- An electric spark ignites the petrol in a car engine. 电火花点燃了汽车引擎。她点着了那些灯。
- The results show that the good surface qua lity and high truing efficiency of superhard grinding wheel with metal bond can be obtained by using the square wave pulse electric spark tr... 研究结果表明,采用方波脉冲式电火花修整金属基结合剂超硬砂轮可获得良好的砂轮表面质量和高的整形效率。
- The line of design meticulously was wound in understanding other places of difficulty to a small electric spark. 一个小小的电火花,困难会意外地绕过了最为精心设计的线路。
- He produced an electric spark across a gap between two metal balls by applying an electric current to them. 他把电流接通到两个金属球上而在其间的间隙处产生火花。
- Channeling electrons within the air, she can ignite an electric spark that will jump from foe to foe. 她还可以通过连接空气中的电子,来点燃一个可以在敌军中跳跃的电火花。
- The problem can be hazardous in the operating room of a hospital, where a static electric spark may ignite combustible or explosive vapors. 在医院的手术室静电会导致严重事故,在这里静电火花会点燃易燃易爆气体。
- The main circuit of the wire-incisory pulse power with PWM energy-controlled electric spark serves as a closed loop. PWM控制节能式电火花线切割脉冲电源主电路是一个电流闭环控制系统,放电电流的动态特性是影响电火花线切割加工工艺性能的重要因素。
- We shall start the two blocks from rest at the center point of the track and force them apart by exploding the cap with an electric spark. 开始时,将两个滑块静止置放在槽的中心,然后利用电火花引爆雷管,迫使它们分开。
- The electric spark surface hardening technology, including its basic principle, technical features, developing status and trend, are synthetically commented. 对电火花表面强化技术的基本原理、技术特点、发展概况及发展趋势进行了综合评述。
- We shall start the blocks from rest at the center point of the track and force them apart by exploding the cap with an electric spark. 开始时,将两个滑块静止置放在槽的中心,然后利用电火花引爆雷管,迫使它们分开。
- The relationship between the electric spark sensitivities of explosives and the gaps of HOMO and LOMO of the molecules is investigated. 结果表明,在外电场作用下分子总能量降低,偶极矩增大、前线轨道能量差减小;
- There will be a lot of electric sparks when anode and cathode meet. 正负极相接会产生许多电火花。
- The stability of serv o ,move forward and close-loop fuzzy control system for electric spark processin g was analysed theoretically with the concept of equ... 并应用平衡态的概念和稳定性定理,从理论上阐述和分析了电火花加工伺服进给闭环模糊控制系统的稳定性。
- Noise from electrical sparking is one possibility. 噪声从电子发火花是一种可能性。
- The numerically controlled electric spark shaper, numerically controlled clipper, all kinds of injection moulding machine, and precision punching machine. 公司主要生产设备有:数控电火花成型机、数控切割机、各种型号注塑机、精密冲床等。
- We have made a major reformation on SCK electric spark linear cutting machine in terms of control system, data sharing, resource sharing etc in the input mode. 在输入方式、控制系统及数据共享、资源共享等方面对SCK电火花线切割机床进行了重大改造。
- In the internal-combustion engine of a car, an electric spark explodes gasses in the cylinder; the heat energy moves the pistons, becoming mechanical energy to move the car. 在汽车的内燃机引擎里,电火花引爆气缸里的燃料气体,然后热能推动活塞,成为机械能推动汽车行驶。