- The Conservatives swept into power in the election of last year. 保守党人在去年选举中赢得绝对多数的选票而重新执政。
- He swept the presidential election of 2,000. 他在2 000年的总统选举中大获全胜。
- May we proceed then,to the election of a committee? 下面我们进行委员会的选举,好吗?
- They tried to rig the election of officers . 他们企图操纵官员们的选择。
- First public election of ward mayors conducted. 第一届区长公选。
- He will preside at the election of school officers. 他是校际选举大会的主席。
- ARPANET started by the US Dept. of Defense for research. 美国国防部建立了阿帕网,作研究用。
- They tried to rig the election of officers. 他们试图操控官员选举。
- She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense. 她现在隶属于国防部。
- Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. 被神所爱的弟兄阿,我知道你们是蒙拣选的。
- He was the then secretary of Defense. 他是当时的国防部长。
- May we proceed then, to the election of a committee? 下面我们进行委员会的选举,好吗?
- Russian law allows the direct popular election of the president. 俄罗斯法律允许对总统进行全民直选。
- Our line of defense was strongly fortified. 我们的防线壁垒森严。
- The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention. 该杂志对防务内幕的透露引起了极大的关注。
- A means of defense or protection. 一种防御或者保护的方法
- Offense is the most effective way of defense. 进攻是最有效的防守方式。
- Our appointments coincided with the election of Kenned. 我们的高升与肯尼迪的当选差不多同时发生。
- Proponents offer a number of defenses for genetically engineered foods. 支持基改食物的人也提出辩护。
- The army, navy and airforce are all controlled by the Ministry of Defense. 陆海空军皆由国防部控制。