- An elderly person with a distinguished past. 拥有辉煌过去的老人
- As an elderly person, I always get up at dawn. 第5节 抓住要害,确定较长对话的突破口,沿着话语思维的规律,正确听懂各个检测点
- We should help an elderly person cross the street. 我们应该帮助老年人过街。
- The local government listed him as an elderly person of no family. 当地政府把他列为孤寡老人。
- An elderly person may be better suited with a smaller dog. 一位老年人可能更适合养小点儿的狗。
- I wish you a happy and long life (said to an elderly person). 福寿绵长。
- Method: NPT, CT,BEAM, BEP were performed in 41 normal elderly persons. 方法:对41名正常老人做系统的神经心理测验(NPT)、头颅CT摄片(CT)、脑电地形图(BEAM)及脑诱发电位(BEP)检查。
- That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 世界上最好的课堂在老人的脚下。
- That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of the elderly person. 我明白了.;世界上最好的教室就在老人的脚边。
- The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 世界上最好的教室就是老人的脚边。
- Please give up this seat if a handicapped or elderly person needs it. 若有残疾人或老年人,请将此座位让出
- An elderly person who prefers to live alone can apply under the Single Elderly Persons Priority Scheme and be allocated a public rental flat within three years. 长者若选择独居,可根据高龄单身人士优先配屋计划申请配屋,并可在三年内获编配租住公屋单位。
- Methods TC,TG,HDL C,LDL C,blood glucose(BG) and EKG were determined in 906 elderly persons. 方法 采用标准化方法测定血清总胆固醇 (TC)、甘油三脂 (TG)、高密度蛋白胆固醇 (HDL C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDL C)、血糖(BG)水平 ,与常规 12导联心电图比较分析。
- Pale-faced scholar,xiao dan noodle face wrong line, there are measured, straight from the young, elderly persons bow. 白面书生、粉面小旦,脸线曲直,都有分寸,直者年少,弓者年迈。
- Two or more elderly persons who are willing to live together may apply under the Elderly Persons Priority Scheme under which flats are allocated within two years. 两名或以上愿意同住的高龄人士,可根据共享颐年优先配屋计划提出申请,并在两年内获得配屋。
- I 've learned. That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. 我知道了。世界上最好的教室是在老人身边。
- In 2005, the elderly dependency ratio is 166, i. E. Every 1,000 employed persons has to raise 166 elderly persons aged 65 or above. 老年抚养率已上升至2005年的166,即每1,000名劳动人口需要抚养166位65岁或以上的长者。
- I am / We are willing to donate HK$ to Hong Kong PHAB Association for implementing various services for disabled and elderly persons. 本人/我们乐意捐助港币元予香港伤健协会,作为提供各项残疾人士及长者服务之用。
- So as to reveal the clinical characteristic of the elderly person's orofacial infections. 结果老年组的病因构成与对照组相同。
- After the death of an elderly person, children and grandchildren should put on mourning apparel. 老人去世后,儿孙们要披麻戴孝。