- elderly care system 老龄照料体系
- Many countries have a social medical care system. 许多国家有社会医疗保健制度。
- How should we finance our health care system in the future? 我们日后应如何资助我们的健康医护制度?
- The reform of china's medical care system in cities and towns. 中国的城镇医药卫生体制改革
- It took all four groups to screw up the health care system. 那时曾经成立了四个小组来整顿保健制度。
- The ageing population will give rise to a series of problems, including greater demand for elderly care services. 人口老化会引起一连串问题,包括有更多长者需要护理及照顾。
- Used as a strategic tool, ICT will promote safer, more accessible and efficient health and elderly care services. ICT作为一项战略工具的应用可以促进更为安全、易接近且有效的医疗与老年保健服务。
- Has all this activity made our health care system better? 所有这些活动是否使我们的卫生保健体系变得更好了?
- She practised in medical care system before the graduation. 实习医生第一个月在内科病房实习,第二个月在外科病房。
- But the government is also struggling to find ways to put a brake on Japan's declining birthrate, which is essential to support elderly care. 同时,日本政府也在想方设法解决日本出生率不断下降的问题,这对老年人护理业至关重要。
- Assessors for personal care workers are registered nurses with substantial working or training experience in elderly care service. 考核起居照顾员技能的评估员,乃具丰富长者护理经验及相关教学培训经验的注册护士。
- Hospice care is a basic component of the social care system. 临终关怀是社会卫生保健体系的基本组成部分。
- The mechanism of the local health care system is far from perfect. 当地医疗系统的结构很不完善。
- Results of this study indicate that the MEAP provides very useful indicators for assessing the quality of elderly care facilities in Taiwan, especially for nursing homes. 每个机构受访人数以可受访者之二分之一为原则,若可受访者低于10位,则全部列入访谈对象。
- Retired general plans to include financial income and expenditure, living arrangements and care of pre-planning, as well as the lives of the spouses of elderly care. 离退休计划一般包括经济上的收支,生活上的安排和保健方面的预先策划,以及对老年配偶的生活照顾等。
- We also recognise the role of Chinese medicine in our health care system. 我们亦认同中医中药在本港的医疗体系中的角色。
- Source: License to Steal: How Fraud Bleeds America's Health Care System. 来源:偷窃执照:诈欺如何诈取美国的健康照护系统。
- In terms of local resource and modern social security the "inter-family support network" plays a very important but relatively, limited role in elderly care of rural empty-nest families and needs to be further explored. 摘要从乡土资源与现代社会保障视角看,家庭支持网在解决农村空巢家庭养老问题中发挥了极为重要但又相对有限的作用,其在农村空巢家庭养老中的角色需要进一步发掘。
- Hundreds of hospitals and clinics in Japan have shuttered their maternity wards since the beginning of the decade, turning their attention to potentially more lucrative elderly care. 本世纪开始以来,日本已有数百家医院与诊所关闭产科病房,把注意力转向获利潜力更大的老人照护事业。
- The health care system is struggling through a period of transition. 卫生保健体系正在挣扎着通过一段过渡期。