- elasto viscometer 弹粘计
- An amylograph is a rotational torsion viscometer. 淀粉糊粘度图示仪是一种旋转的扭转粘度计。
- Viscometer, to measure the viscocity of liquids. 粘度计,应该很多厂家有啊。
- This Stormer Viscometer is controlled by microcomputer. 本仪器由微电脑控制。
- Another method used is measurement as the viscometer pushes against the sample. 另一种方式是,在粘度计对样品进行推挤时测量。
- The theory of the static implicit and dynamic explicit elasto plastic finite element method was overviewed in this paper. 对隐式静力和显式动力弹塑性有限元的理论进行了分析,并将这两种算法应用于轧制过程的模拟计算中,计算结果基本相符。
- In this paper, the three dimensional elasto plastic analysis of a group pile soil interaction system is made by using the finite prism element method. 应用有限棱柱单元法对群桩与土相互作用系统进行了三维弹塑性分析,并以无限棱柱元模拟半无限空间地基土的边界条件。
- Elasto plastic dynamic analysis for the first structure with rubber bearings base isolation system in China is performed by the program HBTA2 0. 采用HBTA2 0程序 ,对我国首栋橡胶垫隔震结构进行双向地震波作用下的弹塑性动力分析。
- Method for Basic Calibration of Master Viscometer and Viscosity Oil Standards (05. 标准粘度计的基本校准方法和粘性油标准(05。
- Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Plastisols and Organosols at High Shear Rates by Extrusion Viscometer (08. 用挤压粘度计测定高剪切率下塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的试验方法(08。
- We have developed a contour rotary viscometer to investigate steady apparent viscosity of hypereutectic ZL117 alloy. 通过自制的双筒旋转粘度计对过共晶ZL117合金的表观粘度进行了研究。
- A new kind of elasto - plastic stiffness matrix of elements is proposed in ferms of the theory of elasto - plastic strain,the finite element method and weighted factors. 介绍一种基于模糊控制的气体流速仪 ,对流速仪的工作原理 ,选用器件 ,加权因子自寻优在系统中的应用进行阐述 ,并给出几种消除干扰的方法。
- Design a high temperature molten metal viscometer based on oscillating-cup method. 基于振荡杯法设计了一台高温液态金属粘度计。
- Test on distilled water and blood was performed with this viscometer to verify the measured data. 用该粘度计对水和人体血液的测量数据进行验证。
- The rhcological properties of the composite propellant slurry were studied employing a HAAKE rotational viscometer. 采用HAAKE旋转粘度计研究了推进剂药浆的流变特性。
- Measuring precision of the viscometer can be verified by measuring viscosity of the glycerin. 在3个不同温度下测得的甘油绝对粘度值与标准值接近。
- Lower the viscometer until the grooves on the spindle shaft just touches the coating, and recheck the level. 降低粘度计直至凹槽在定子的轴正好接触到涂料上,并重新检查其水平。
- Ubisch viscometer method used to verify the empirical formula, the formula has a certain reliability. 用乌氏粘度计法验证经验公式,此公式具有一定的可靠性。
- Tilt the selected spindle, slide it into the coating sample and carefully attach it to the viscometer. 倾斜所选择的锭子,将其倒到涂层的试样上并小心地附着在粘度计上。
- The rheological behavior of the semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry was examined by the viscometer. 当固相率小于10%25时,在高剪切速率下浆料呈现出牛顿流体的特征;