- elastic deformable aquifer 弹性可变含水层
- Because plastic formation is a large deformation problem, logarithm strain is adopted and constitutive relation is simplified as a total theory that ignores elastic deform. 由于塑性成型是大变形问题,应变采用对数应变,本构关系也宜简化为忽略弹性变形部分的全量理论。
- Resilience is the capacity of a material to absorb energy during elastic deformation. 弹性是指材料在弹性形变中吸收能量的能力。
- Deformation in which stress and strain are proportional is called elastic deformation. 应力与应变成正比关系的形变称为弹性形变。
- Because of this concentration stress is high and is relieved to a certain extent by elastic deformation. 由于接触的这种集中,应力很高,并且因弹性变形而有某些程度的减
- Considering the elastic deformation of the barrel,the AA gun is simplified into a multi-rigid body dynamic model. 同时考虑身管弹性变形,建立了火炮发射时的多刚体动力学模型。
- Most solids, if pulled or twisted, will give a little in a process known as elastic deformation. 大多固体,一经拉伸或弯曲,都会出现弹性变形这一过程。
- Also, elastic deformations depend solely upon the stress magnitude and not upon the straining or loading history. 弹性变形响应符合经典弹性理论的线性本构关系,即虎克定律。
- Based on the concept of elastic deformation energy, a new springback evaluation criterion is presented in this paper. 本文从弹性变形能概念出发,提出一种新的回弹评价指标。
- The indenter, which has a finite elastic modulus, also undergoes elastic deformation under the applied load . 压头也具有一定的弹性模数,所以在加载的时候它自身也要承受弹性变形。
- The proposed model can provide a fast and visually realistic simulation for elastic deformation of surface mesh models. 该模型可以对表面网格模型的弹性形变进行快速、逼真的模拟。
- The abrupt disappearance of stick-slip at the lower speed level is attributed to changes in the elastic deformation of the fiber. 在低速水平时,粘滑现象也消失,这是由于纤维弹性变形的改变。
- The pressure pro-portional elastic deformation of this bourdon tube is transmitted through a low friction movement to the knife edge pointer. 波登管的压力比例塑性变形通过摩擦力很小的机械装置传递给刃形指针。
- The elastic deformation of the transmission shaft and the bearing, the drive of the mesh toughness, error and mesh impact were considered in the model. 模型中考虑了传动轴和轴承的弹性变形以及齿轮的啮合刚度激励、误差激励和啮合冲击激励。
- The experimental results reveal that the dynamitic compressive stress-strain curve only has elastic deformation and plastic deformation. 随相对密度的增大,屈服强度增大,吸能量增大,吸能效率也增大;
- Comprehensive function of varying contact length backup roll(VCR)is analyzed by using the finite element model for elastic deformation of rolls. 利用建立的有限元辊系弹性变形模型,分析了变接触支持辊(VCR)的综合性能。
- This paper discusses the features of the stress with guyed travelers and guves a simple formula of the elastic deformation with guyed travelers. 本文研究了挂篮受应力的特点,提出了一个推算挂篮弹性变形的简单公式,依此进行浙江新昌沃西大桥施工挂篮的定位测量,较好的保证了大桥的设计线型。
- Elastic deformation of roll and mill is main factor that effects on working roll gap, flatness,thickness accuracy when plate and strip rolled. 轧辊和轧机的弹性变形是影响板带轧制时工作辊缝和平直度及厚度精度的关键因素;
- We also analyse the critical velocity, at which elastic deformation translate to plastic deformation when the bullet impact the tube. 同时也分析了冲头对圆管碰撞时,导致圆管由弹性变形向塑性变形转化学的临界速度值。
- Systematically analysis the elastic deformation of the V-belt's influence on the speed adjustment factors of the CVT, and provide the quantitative analysis formulae. 针对以上这些情况,本文进行了以下研究:(1) 系统分析了V 型皮带的弹性变形对V 型皮带无级变速器调速因素的影响,给出了定量的分析式。