- The parameters were EDV(end diastolic volume), ESV(end systolic volume), EF(ejection fraction), PER(peak ejection rate) and PFR(peak filling rate). 检测指标:EDV(舒张末期容积)、ESV(收缩末期容积)、EF(射血分数)、PER(峰值排空率)、PFR(峰值充盈率)。
- Left ventricle end diastolic volume(EDV), end systolic volume(ESV), ejection fraction(EF), peak ejection rate(PER), peak rapid filling rate(PRFR) and peak atrium filling rate(PAFR) were also measured, PRFR PAFR were calculated. 采用声学定量技术测量左室舒张末容积(EDV)、左室收缩末容积(ESV)、左室射血分数(EF)、左室峰值排空率(PER)、左室峰值快速充盈率(PRFR)、左室峰值心房充盈率(PAFR)、左室峰值快速充盈率与左室峰值心房充盈率之比(PRFRPAFR)。 并以34例正常人为对照组。
- METHODS:Left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left peak ejection rate(LPER),left peak filling rate(LPFR)and left peak filling time(TPFR)were measured by gated nuclide method and AQ method. At the same time, LVEF was measured by M-us method. 方法:运用门控核素法及AQ法在较短时间内分别测定正常组和冠心病组的左室射血分数(LVEF)、左室最大射血率(LPER)、左室最大充盈率(LPFR)及左室最大充盈时间(LTPER),同时M超法测定LVEF作为心功能指标,并进行统计学分析。
- mean normalized systolic ejection rate 平均正常收缩期射血率, 正常收缩期平均射血率
- The amount or rate of emission or ejection. 排放量流量、流速,或排出量,排出的速度
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- Keywords super fine powder fire extinguishing agent, particle size, ejection rate, distribution, extinguishments; 冷气溶胶灭火剂;粒度;喷射率;分布特征;灭火;
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑。
- At that rate, he ought to be punished. 如果那样,他应该受到惩罚。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?
- As the plane fall rapidly towards the grind, the pilot have to eject. 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来。
- Above rate applicable until further notice. 除非另有通知,上述运费率适用。
- At any rate we must go on Tuesday. 无论如何,我们必须在星期二走。
- Ejection murmurs ordinarily occur in midsystole. 喷射音一般出现在收缩中期。
- The car is going at the rate of60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。
- At the rate you work, you'll never finish. 按你这样的工作速度,你绝对做不完。
- As the plane fell rapidly towards the ground, the pilot had to eject. 在飞机迅速落向地面时,驾驶员只得弹射出来。