- There was a coating of slime on the unwashed sink. 未刷洗的水槽上有一层污垢。
- There is a coating of slime on the unwashed sink. 未刷洗的水涤槽上有一层污垢。
- The snail left a trail of slime along the floor. 蜗牛在地板上留下一道黏液。
- ejection of slime 泥喷出
- During summer control of slime and algae may be required. 在夏天还要求控制污泥和藻类。
- There is a trait of slime left by a snail on the grass. 草上有一条蜗牛留下的黏液痕。
- There is a trait of slime left by a snail on the glass. 玻璃上有一条蜗牛留下的黏液痕。
- A rocket is propelled by the ejection of a portion of its mass to the rear. 火箭是靠向后喷射其部分质量而推进的。
- Radioactivity is the ejection of particles or radiation from the nucleus. 放射性是原子从核中射出粒子或辐射的现象。
- This kind of swirl can be made of ejection of several spouts leaned up. 在模拟试验炉上对传统底部向上直流燃烧方式和新的旋流燃烧方式进行了热态对比试验。
- Powder residue that is released upon automatic ejection of a spent cartridge or shell from a firearm. 后焰火器射击时,残留弹壳的自动弹射所释放的残余粉末
- Multi-cavity molds are sometimes provided with knock-out pins for easy ejection of the casting from the molds. 多腔模具有时装有顶钉,以便铸件易于脱模。
- This will be harder still after the ejection of Todd Thomson, the free-spending head of its wealth-management group. 尽管财富管理部门挥霍无度的主管托德?汤姆森被驱逐出去,但是这一任务的困难程度有增无减。
- So this is how they end up - the slugs hanging by a metre of slime, with their sexual organs entwined in this strange embrace. 这是它们最后的样子-蜗牛由一条约一米的黏液所悬吊著,两者的性器官纠缠兵有趣地拥抱著。
- For multi-plate molds, however, positive ejection of the runner system is not practicable. 可是对于多模板的模具,流道系统的可靠顶出是不可能的。
- This program is also suitabal for the ejection of any uncontrolled bomblet from carrier. 仿真程序也适用于所有弹道导弹子母弹抛撒轴对称子弹的无控弹道仿真。
- The corridor beyond the door led into a labyrinth of slime, chitinous columns and strange, smallish pods. / 超过门的走廊进入一个烂泥的迷宫,壳质的专栏和奇怪又有点小的荚 之内引导。
- Shusruta\'s forte was rhinoplasty (Plastic surgery) and ophthalmialogy (ejection of cataracts). 苏萨塔的长处是鼻整形术(整形手术)和眼炎(白内障的排出)。
- The single most common cause of death and injury in automobile accidents is ejection of the occupant from the vehicle. 车祸死亡和受伤的单一(主要)原因是出现车祸时汽车里的人被摔出车外。
- The TG-DTG-DTA thermal analysis technology is applied to study the combustibility of slime from Xinji coal preparation plant. 摘要采用TG-DTG-DTA(热重-微分热重-差热)热分析联用技术研究了新集选煤二厂煤泥浆的燃烧特性。