- There was a violent wind, as well as thunder, and either one or the other split a tree off at the corner of the building. 一时狂风大作,雷电交加,把屋角的一颗大树劈裂开来。
- Some people in the Soviet Union are so metaphysical and rigid in their thinking that they think a thing has to be either one or the other, refusing to recognize the unity of opposites. 苏联一些人的思想就是形而上学,就是那么硬化,要么这样,要么那样,不承认对立统一。
- You need to choose one or the other. 你需要在两者之间做出选择。
- I haven't seen either one or the other 我两个都没看见
- One or the other is always missing. 不是这一个遗失了,就是另一个遗失了。
- You certainly ought to do one or the other. 你现在确实只有这两条路可以走。
- Not either one; not the one or the other 两者都不:非两者之一;不是这个,也不是另一个
- Why does it have to be one or the other? 为什么非得有这个就没有那个?
- Does it have to be one or the other - love or hate? 爱或恨只能择一?
- Is there any distinct advantage in having one or the other? 那一式的优点比较明显?
- The various weapon upgrades and skills are bias to one or the other and it is best to pick either the sword or the staff as your weapon of choice. 多种多样的武器升级和技能都只是基础,不过最好还是一手持剑,一手持其他作为武器的东西吧。
- They must do one or the other,for there is no third choice. 二者必居其一,其他的道路是没有的。
- He is too honest and courageous not to try to do one or the other. 因为他为人诚恳,敢作敢为,他在二者之间必须有所选择。
- Must be switched manually between one or the other service. 一定用手被转变在一之间或另一个服务。
- The progeny resembled one or the other of the parents d. 后代象亲本的一方或另一方。
- What advice does Aristotle offer us in choosing one or the other? 亚里斯多德对大家提出的忠告或选择为何?
- Actually, we never listen on one or the other of these planes. 实际上,我们从不只在三个层次的某个层次上听。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- Both lines exist at present,and one or the other can win out in the future. 目前是两种方向同时存在,两种前途都有可能。
- Of,made of,or containing one or the other of these two mineral forms. 石棉的;石棉制的这两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种的,由两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种制成的,或包含两种矿物质形式中的一种或另一种的