- Dangerous effluent is being poured into our rivers. 有害的废水正流入我们的江河里。
- effluent trealment 污水处理
- The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming. 工厂放出的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了。
- A certain discharge of possible radioactive effluent. 一定量的可能有放射性的废水。
- The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent. 这些化学公司排出废水污染著我们的河流。
- All effluent discharges are now under control. 现时所有污水排放已受到管制。
- You should wash the car park with effluent water. 你应该用排出来的水洗停车场。
- Disgusting, this washbowl reeks of effluent! 恶心,这个洗脸盆很臭!
- Those can remove organics and remove inorganics from the effluent. 这些可以从废水中去除有机物的一类和去除无机物的另一类。
- Effluent standards have superseded stream standards. 排放标准已代替了流淌标准。
- Industrial effluent often causes a problem to people's health. 工业废水常常危害人们的健康。
- Fixing the levels of effluent charges poses some severe problems. 把排污收费规定在一个水平上,又引起一些严重问题。
- Effluent charges Payment for direct releases into the environment. 排污税,排污费对直接向环境中排放污染物所征收的费用。
- Effluent liquid waste that flows out from a factory, etc. 工厂的污水;废水。
- Application of Small-scale Effluent Treatment Project by LOGO! 在小型污水处理工程中的应用!
- Re-use of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant. 对从处理厂流出并经处理的污水进行再使用的活动。
- But classics appraisal, effluent black liquid is oil crude oil. 但经鉴定,流出的黑色液体是石油原油。
- The effluent met the requirements of disc harge standard. 该工程处理效果明显,出水可达到排放标准。
- Implantation of dual chamber pacemaker and ablution of slow pathway are the effective trealment. 安植双腔起搏器和消融慢径可取得满意疗效。
- When the electrodes were charged, the effluent liquid was desalted. 电极吸饱离子后电极短路,排出含高浓度盐分的水。