- Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT), as a low-energy effective field theory based on QCD, is a powerful tool in the investigation of the nuclear and particle physics. 摘要手征微扰论是基于量子色动力学的低能有效理论,已成为核物理和低能粒子物理研究的有力方法。
- A comparison with the new effective field theory with correlations makes us to draw the following conclusion: Effective field theory with correlations overestimates the critical temperatures for both S= 3/2 and S=2 Blume-Caple model. 与最近刚发展起来的适用于研究S>1的关联有效场相比较,得出如下结论:对于S=3/2和S=2,关联有效场过高地估计了它们的相变温度;
- This paper discusses the critical behaviors and magnetic properties of the spin-1 bond and crystal field dilution Blume-Emery-Griffiths (BEG) model on simple cubic lattice within the framework of effective field theory (EFT). 本文在有效场理论的框架内,基于简立方晶格讨论了自旋为1的键和晶场稀疏Blume-Emery-Griffiths(BEG)模型的临界行为和磁学性质。
- The phase transitions and spontaneous magnetization properties of Anisotropy dilution and random bond Blurne-Capel Model (BCM) have been studied within the framework of an effective field theory. 在有效场框架下,就三维稀疏晶场作用的键无规BC模型(BCM)的相图进行了研究。
- Effective field theory and nuclear physics 有效场论与核物理
- By making use of the effective field theory(EFT) and a cutting approximation, at first we study the dependence of the Curie temperature on the different transverse fields and random concentration in the body center cubic lattices. 利用有效场理论和切断近似的方法,首先讨论了简立方晶格中,在不同子格随机横场作用下居里温度分别随两子格随机横场以及随机浓度变化的关系,推导出了S = 1/ 2 和S = 1 混合自旋系统的伊辛模型的二级相变线需满足的一般方程,并据此作出了相图。
- Low dimensional quantum magnetism and the effective field theory of quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets 低维量子磁性和量子海森伯反铁磁体之有效场论
- effective field theory 有效场论
- Instead, physicists use lattice field theory to study QCD interactions. 反而, 物理学家使用格子领域理论学习QCD 互作用。
- This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory. 这就是对现代电子场论的趋向的粗略的一瞥。
- Therefore, the papers not only enrich Metropolitan Region field theory research, but also for the development of Xi"an Metropolitan Region active and effective information and recommendations. 因此,论文不仅可以充实都市圈领域的理论研究,也可以为大西安都市圈的发展提供积极有效的参考和建议。
- The 'hours effective' field of a task is automatically calculated thanks to the sum of the done work this task. 任务的'时间有效'字段自动计算这任务工作完成的时间合计。
- The full apparatus of quantum field theory is often unnecessary for describing electrodynamic systems. 对于描述电力学系统量子场理论的全部设备常常是多余的。
- Making use of the linear field theory, the dielectric Cherenkov maser with an annular plasma is analysed in detail. 利用线性场理论,对填充环形等离子体的介质切伦可夫脉塞进行了详尽的分析;
- Cynosural Field Theory Skill at creating effective cynosural fields. 50-unit reduction in liquid ozone consumption for module activation per skill level.Can not be trained on Trial Accounts. 每级减少开启Cynosural Field跳跃力场所需消耗的Liquiz OZone(液态臭氧)50单位,此技能不能在试玩帐号上学习。
- Of course, Allen's robust 56.6 effective field goal percentage (eFG%) in the clutch may result from the extra room defenders are offering him. 当然,阿伦在关键时刻56.;6%25的高投篮命中率可能取决于防守者给他放开的空间。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles. 量子场论认为,一切互相作用是由粒子的产生和湮没而引起的。
- The first complete quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction. 首先完善的量子场理论,量子电力学提供了电磁相互作用充分的量子描述。
- No. quantum field theory in curved space-time is just quantum mechanics in gravtiy background, not a theory of gravity. 也有的想在广义相对论的基础上重建量子力学(后者大概是弯曲时空中的量子力学或量子场论吧?)。