- The preferred shares they hold eventually will convert into common stock at an effective cost of 70 yen a share. 它们持有的优先股最终将以每股70日圆的实际成本转换为普通股。
- Develop a understanding of how to write proposals, how to develop management strategies, how to do effective cost analysis of research projects. 了解如何书写项目提案,如何开发策略管理,如何对研究项目进行有效的成本分析。
- The mechanism of government pull mode was mainly that the government impelled the marginal effect cost intrinsically. 政府启动模式的本质在于政府借助法律或经济手段促使企业部分边际外部费用内部化。
- The Group continued to recruit professionals and experts in TV programme production management and planning and therefore was able to exercise effective cost control. 集团一方面加强电视节目制作专业管理策划人才,在控制成本上有显著成效。
- Study the result makes clear, reservation bomber appropriative produces base, repass keeps production of its low speed, can obtain better effect cost to compare. 研究结果表明,保留轰炸机专用的生产基地,再通过维持其低速生产,就可以获得更好的效费比。
- Reasonable piecemeal complex product to ensure effective cost control mold, structural design in-depth study of the various components use of the environment, After multiple tests of the various components to ensure the reasonableness and reliability. 合理的拆件保证复杂产品能够有效控制模具成本,结构设计中深入研究各部件使用环境,经过多重测试保证各部件的合理性与可靠性。
- The effective cost dust content of molding sand should be determined according to time factors such as the quality of the coal dust, casting size and thickness, pouring temperature, lacing sand or unit sand, and so on. 决定型砂中的有效煤粉含量应根据煤粉质量的优劣、铸件大小和厚薄,浇注温度、面砂或单一砂等因素。
- Based on the study results of the cause of comparatively high cost in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, the paper presents ideologies for appropriate cost estimation and effective cost control. 在分析西藏自治区水电建设项目较高工程造价产生原因的基础上,提出合理确定、有效控制其工程造价的思路。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Paving a Way for Effective Cost Management 开辟有效的成本管理之路
- Effective cost controlling of production process 保证生产过程费用成本的有效控制
- effective cost share responsibility 有效分担
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- When does the new system become effective? 新制度何时生效?
- The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction. 人们不做违法乱纪的事,其中一个重要因素就是怕人耻笑。
- The Effective Cost Control in Stages of Construction Project 建设项目各阶段造价的有效控制
- Effective, punitive, or destructive action. 有效的行为有效的、惩罚的或破坏性的行为
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- I think you'll have to take effective steps. 我认为你得采取有效措施。
- Gentle persuasion is more effective than force. 温和的说服胜於压服。