- The medicine was very effective in curing icterus. 此药对于治理黄病有很好的疗效。
- Conclusion The ultrasound guided PTBD is an operation which is, simple, safe, inexpensive, and effective in cure of malignant biliary obstructive jaundice. 结论B超引导下行PTBD术是一种比较安全、简便、经济的治疗恶性阻塞性黄疸的方法。
- The basis of this medicine is berberine which is very effective in curing loose bowels. 此种药的主要成分是黄连素,治疗拉肚子很有效。
- Thrombolytic therapy is safe and effective in curing thrombotic diseases at present. 目前治疗血栓性疾病安全且有效的方法是溶栓疗法。
- Conlusion Musicotherapy is effective in curing senile Tinnitus,It is suitable to be widely introduced into use... 结论乐音疗法对老年性耳鸣有明显疗效,宜于推广应用。
- This mixture of snake gallBladder and Sichuan fritillary BulB has a wonder effect in curing cough and reducing phlegm. 蛇胆川贝合剂,止咳化痰显奇效。
- The W.H.O. says artemisinin is more than ninety-five percent effective in curing malaria when used correctly with other anti-malarial drugs. 世界卫生组织表示青蒿素当和其他治疗疟疾的药物共同使用时,能发挥百分之95的药效。
- The WHO says artemisinin is more than ninety five percent effective in curing malaria when use correctly with other anti-malarial drugs. WHO声称青蒿素和其他治疗疟疾的药物一起使用得当的话,青蒿素的治愈率超过百分之九十五。
- Besides, it also has preventive effect in curing exudative, infectious, allergic and ulcerative dermatonosis. 故该方对以渗出性、感染性、过敏性及溃疡等为临床表现的皮肤病均有一定的治疗作用,尤其适合于多种病症同时发生时。
- By using a virus exploited from tobacco, scientists in Shanghai have successfully produced a kind of medical vaccine proven to be effective in curing foot-and-mouth disease. 利用一种从烟草中提取的病毒,上海的科学家已经成功制造出一种能有效治疗口蹄疫的医学疫苗。
- Antidotes play an important role in cure of poisoning. 解毒药物在中毒患者救治中具有重要作用。
- T18 computer therapeutic equipment is a low and intermediate frequency AC machine. Clinic shows that the equipment is effective in curing painful diseases. T18电脑治疗仪是一种中低频交流电治疗仪,临床实践说明它在治疗疼痛性疾病方面有效。
- It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case. 这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。
- Its cold nature makes it so effective in curing defervescence, removing heat,detoxifcation that it is regarded as the good medicine for measles suffers. 其性寒凉,有退热祛暑解解毒之功,是治疗养护麻疹患者的良药。"
- Conclusion:The combined treatment of DC and CIK is effective in curing Leukemia patients as a new immunology treatment of acute Leukemia and has potential clinical prospect. 结论:DC与CIK联合治疗急性白血病安全有效,为急性白血病提供了一种新的有效的免疫治疗手段,具有潜在的临床应用前景。
- Objective To investigate the treatment of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in curing the liver carcinoma and evaluate the effect in order to improve the rate of success. 目的探讨肝癌肝移植方法,并评价其疗效,以提高肝癌救治成功率。
- I think injection is very effective in your case. 我想你的情况打针会很有效。
- Conclusion: The YiKou-mouthrinse has better clinical effect in curing recurrent aphthous ulcer due to its effective composition: Triclosan、Tea polyphenol、Glycyrrhizin、Vitamine E and so on. 结论:益口含漱液因含有三氯新、茶多酚、甘草甜素、维生素E等多种有效成分,对复发性口腔溃疡有良好治疗效果。
- After the observation, the homocysteine is obvious difference in curing group with statistical treatment, but there is no obvious difference in control group, it proves that the gegen yin-2 is effective in improving DHD sufferers' s homocysteine. 观察结束后,治疗组治疗前后同型半胱氨酸,经统计学处理,有明显差异,对照组未有明显差异,说明葛根饮-2在改善糖尿病性心脏病患者高同型半胱氨酸血症有效。
- Treatment is mostly effective in the early stages. 有效的治疗主要是早期阶段。