- She confined her activities in educational circles. 她把她的各项活动都限制在教育圈内。
- This matter does not concern scientific and educational circles only; it is a major policy issue for the state. 这不仅是科学界、教育界的问题,而且是整个国家的重大政策问题。
- I believe it is now up to the literary and educational circles to tend the garden. 我觉得现在应该是文教界开始进行园艺工作的时候了。
- Still, both in educational circles and in society at large, people are hoping for even faster progress in this sphere. 但是,无论在教育界,还是在社会上,大家都希望教育工作有更快的进展。
- Still,both in educational circles and in society at large,people are hoping for even faster progress in this sphere. 但是,无论在教育界,还是在社会上,大家都希望教育工作有更快的进展。
- At one time, a great deal of debate in educational circles centered on whether whole-word or phonics instruction was the most effective. 有一阵子,教育圈中最热门的辩论就是全字教学法与传统的自然发音教学法孰优孰劣。
- At present, our educational circles has research quality educatoin for more than ten years and the government has also taken a serie of new act. 目前,我国教育界对素质教育的研究已有十多年了,政府也采取了一系列实施素质教育的新举措。
- "Authenticity" is an important category in the media and one of key questions in educational circles and industry at present too. 摘要“真实性”是媒介传播中的重要范畴,也是当前学界和业界许多争论的核心问题之一。
- The topic of educational fairness, especially different levels of it, has been heatedly discussed in the educational circles and the whole society. 教育公平问题一直是教育界乃至整个社会都关注与探讨的热点话题,对于教育公平的诸多层面人们都给予了不同程度的研究。
- In our country,however,many people in the educational circles hardly know the word integrity,let alone put this idea into practice. 但是,在我国的教师教育界,连对这一名词都甚感陌生的人还大有人在,就更谈不上实践了。
- As much as we deride competition in many educational circles, most of the students I have met see competition in a positive light. 在许多的教育圈子,我们对竞赛嗤之以鼻,但我碰到的大多数学生以积极正面的态度看待竞赛。
- Mister Su Li, who propose the theory of native resources and concern to the actuality, break the silent and infuse the fresh vitality into the legal theory educational circles. 以苏力先生为代表的本土资源论者,以其对现实的强烈关切,打破了法理学界多年的沉寂,为其注入了新鲜的活力。
- That film caused public revulsion,not least among the education circles. 该电影引起公愤,特别是教育界的深恶。
- How to establish the standard of proof of guilt,which is the highest standard of criminal testification,is the central issue of related debates in educational circles. 作为刑事证明的最高标准,即有罪判决的证明标准的确立,已成为近几年来我国刑事证据理论界及实务界争议较大的热点问题之一。
- The latest catchword in educational circles is "constructivism", applied both to learning theory and to epistemology-both to how people learn, and to the nature of knowledge. 建构主义是教育界近来很流行的一个“词”,它应用于学习理论和认识论等领域,涉及到学习方式以及知识的特性。
- Explorative study brings new educational ideas to Chinese educational circles, and it impels us to deep study the development of English subject in police school. 摘要研究性学习为中国教育界带来的崭新的教育理念,促使我们深入地探讨公安院校开展英语学科的研究性学习。
- The author, as a teacher working in the front-line of educational circles, cares the blindness and the formalization existing in the implement of the tactic. 作为处于教学一线的教师,作者为其实施过程中存在的形式化和盲目性而担忧。
- The application of VOD has a positive impact on teaching. The distinctive characteristic of VOD in interactive media teaching is the discussion subject of the educational circles now. 摘要VOD技术的应用将会给我们未来的学校教学带来积极的影响,它在交互媒体教学中的鲜明个性,是现在教育界探讨的主题。
- Her contribution in the education circle is beyond words. 她在教育领域的贡献是难以用言语来赞美的。
- As a profession in its own right, why has the response from the education circles been so homogeneous? 再者,教育作为一个专业范畴,其自律反省的精神在哪里?