- educational program evaluation 教育计划评鉴
- Ensures that a program evaluation is conducted. 确保培训评估工作的顺利进行。
- Gredler, M. E. (1995) . Implications of Portfolio Assessment for Program Evaluation, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 21.pp.431-437. 比尔·约翰逊:《学生表现评定手册》,李雁冰主译,华东师范大学出版社2001年版,第71页。
- Through the harangue, pass overall program evaluation consistently. 经过热烈的讨论,一致通过总体方案评审。
- The university diversified the educational program by introducing new subjects. 该大学引进新学科使教育计划多样化。
- Also sometimes called a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart. 有时也称为PERT(计划评估与评审技术)图。
- Developing educational programs for mass media. 教学系统设计原理的广泛应用大众传媒的教育节目制作。
- Conduct site inspections and program evaluations. 进行现场视察和项目评估。
- It might require an alcohol education program. 它可能要求一个酒精教育程序。
- Since the inception of the educational program, there have been ony a few modifications of the contents of the program. 自有教育课程开始至今,对于教育内容的变更甚少。
- Social Network Analysis In Program Evaluation: New Directions For Evaluation, No. 网络分析:评估进展新方向。
- The Third Five-Year Legal Education Program started early in 1996. 1996年初,中国军队开始第三个五年普法教育。
- Evert. Vedung Public Policy and Program Evaluation Transaction Publishers Feb 2000. 转引自.;面对权力的规划
- Director of Educational Program, Case Manager, Group Teacher, Provided direct services to elderly victims of abuse. 提供直接服务给老年受虐者。
- This project is significant in conducting the educational program of social glor... 这对于深刻理解医院深入开展社会主义荣辱观教育活动,具有重要意义。
- He started the Credit Abuse Resistance Education Program. 他创办了防止滥用信用教育计划。
- This paper describes the application potential and the feasibility of program evaluation and review technique in application software development. 本文论述了计划评审技术(PERT)在应用软件开发中的应用价值和可行性。
- As a matter of fact, TV provides people with many educational programs. 事实上,电视为人们提供了很多教育节目。
- How did you hear about the International Education Program at VSB? 你从何处知悉温哥华学校局国际教育课程的资料?
- Royse, D., Thyer, B.A., Padgett, D.K., &Logan, T.K. (2001). Program evaluation: An introduction. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/ Thomas Learning. 张英阵(2002)方案设计与评估。草屯:内政部社会福利工作人员研习中心。