- The New Development of Educational Leadership Theory 教育领导理论新进展
- educational leadership theory 教育领导
- Educational leadership and reform new paradigm II. 教育领导与改革新范式2。
- Caine, R.N., &Caine, G (1995), Reinventing schools through brain-based learning., Educational leadership, 52(7), 43-. 郭俊贤、陈淑惠(1998);多元智慧的敎与学(译);台北:远流.
- Hillocks, G. J. (1987), Synthesis of research on teaching writing, Educational Leadership, 44(8), 71-82. 杜淑贞(1986);国小作文教学探究;台北:学生书局.
- The main idea of Situational Leadership Theory is that leaders need to alter their behaviors depending on the readiness of followers. 情景领导理论的主要思想是领导者应根据下属的愿意程度采取不同的领导行为。
- Leithwood, K. ; J. Chapman ; D. Corson ; A. Hart (Eds.) (1996), International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration, London: Kluwer Academic Pulisher. 彰化县政府教育局(2001);彰化县国民小学校长主任储备训练班;14-15.
- This study is based on the theory of human relationship, therefore this needs level theory, motivation theory and paternalistic leadership theory and by a mold of human cooperation. 本文根据人际关系理论、需要层次理论、激励理论、领导理论、沟通理论、劳动关系理论、人本管理理论、组织行为理论等。
- The Master of Educational Leadership promotes leadership in education by investigating various perspectives, theories and concepts of educational leadership prac... 教育领导硕士促进各种不同的角度进行调查,理论和实践教育的领导观念的教育工作的领导。
- About 200 primary and secondary school heads attended the IT in Education Leadership Programme for School Heads in July. 约200名中小学校长于七月参加了“领袖资讯科技教育校长训练课程”。
- Leadership Theory and Practice Mgt 领导力理论与实践
- He specializes in education leadership, learning and teaching, and is the principal investigator of various education research projects. 黄教授尤其擅长教育领导、学习和教育方面的研究,并担任多项研究计划的首席研究员。
- Educational Leadership and Management MA 教育关系管理
- Local people's governments above the county level shall strengthen the administrative area of vocational education leadership, co-ordination and supervision of the assessment. 县级以上地方各级人民政府应当加强对本行政区域内职业教育工作的领导、统筹协调和督导评估。
- Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 教育领导与政策研究
- Currently leadership theories contradict each other and appear a jungle, posing much confusion among researchers and practitioners, just as the management theories jungle described by Koontz in 1961. 目前领导理论出现了一种类似于1961年管理学家孔茨描述管理理论时所指的混乱状态,将之喻为"领导理论丛林"。
- Educational Leadership and School Development 教育的领导阶层和学校的发展
- He tried in every way to verify this theory. 他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。
- The party soon regenerated under her leadership. 该党在她的领导下很快焕然一新。