- educational finance investment 教育财政投入
- What is the standard of the reasonable structure of public educational finance? 教育财政结构合理的“标准”是什么?
- The new equation essentially says a current account deficit represents a shortfall of domestic savings to finance investment. 这新方程式实际上是指出经常帐赤字反映本地储蓄不足以应付投资所需的资金。
- The government acts to purchase the finance Investment bank, nothing but is the like grieves for like, the fear financial crisis implicates own benefit. 政府出面收购金融投资银行,无非是兔死狐悲,害怕金融危机连累到自身的利益。
- Firms have plenty of funds to finance investments, from machinery to software. 企业有充足的资金进行从机械到软件等各方面的投资。
- The indirect managing model the numerous private schools lightened the burden of the public educational finance greatly, and also created the important presupposes on the macrocosmic educational management for Shanghai city educational administration. 对众多私立学校的间接管理模式大大减轻了上海城市公共教育财政负担,也为城市教育行政集中精力办理宏观教育管理创造了重要的前提。
- Yangtze River Delta, held recently in the 2004 International Forum on real estate and finance, real estate finance investment in many industry has become the main focus of attention. 在近日举行的2004长江三角洲地产与金融国际论坛上,房产融资投资成为当今众多业内人士所关注的主要焦点。
- The Comparative Study of Educational Finance System 教育财政模式的比较分析
- The lack of education finance and teachers is always preventing American Indian higher education from further development. 教育资金匮乏和印第安人师资力量短缺一直是制约印第安人高等教育发展的瓶颈。
- New compulsory education finance policy will forcibly push the fairness of the rural compulsory education finance policy forward. 新的义务教育财政政策将有力地促进农村义务教育财政政策公平性的推进。
- China educational finance statistical yearbook 中国教育经费统计年鉴
- Opinions on the Legislation of Educational Finance 教育经费立法刍议
- The article generalizes the international experience of balanced development of basic education in live aspects: policy, teacher resource, conditions of education, educational finance and lob-status flock. 文章从政策法律、经费、师资、弱势群体以及办学条件等五个方面总结了基础教育均衡发展的国际经验。
- Abstract: In order to improve the allocative efficiency and productive efficiency of education resources, it is essential to apply decentralized educational finance, the school competition and price mechanism. 摘要:稀缺的教育资源应得到有效利用,而教育财政的分权、学校间的竞争和合理的价格机制能够提高基础教育资源的配置效率和组织效率。
- Lacking of inter-government money-transferring system is also an important resulting reason for the lack of rural compulsory education finance policy fairness. 政府间转移支付制度缺乏规范性也是导致农村义务教育财政政策公平性缺失的重要原因。
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。
- IFC finances investments with its own resources and by mobilizing capital in the international finanicial markets. 国际金融公司利用自有资源和在国际金融市场上筹集的资金为投资项目融资。
- The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment. 修建校舍的规划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。
- He is a well-known expert in finance. 他是知名的金融专家。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。